Sunday, July 21, 2024

Down goes Frazier!

 Will we ever learn how much money changed hands and what promises were made to get "Dr." Jill to relinquish power? 

We sure will - just as soon as the JFK files, the Vegas shooting details, the Nashville tranny shooter's diary, Crooks' ties to Blackrock, and the details of how Hillary avoided arrest are all made public.

As FJB would say, "Anyway..."


ampersand said...

Have they told Joe he's not running yet?

The Dude said...

They told him he won and served his second term and now it is time for him to go back to Delaware.

ampersand said...

This Biden crap reminds me of an episode of Tales from the Darkside

A case of the Stubborns

edutcher said...

You nailed it, sir. He was waiting for the right offer. However, by endorsing Chlamydia, he has stuck them with the worst possible alternative.

MamaM said...

I'm still sorting my way through the shooting aftermath, and now this. Another stinking pile.

Again, so big, it's almost impossible to approach or address with cartoon humor. Too many hidden facets and ponies in the pile.

The meme that most appealed to me in Powerline's selection of the Week, was the sign with missing letters on the Wells Fargo building that read Well_ F_____ It didn't look real (not enough room for the S?) but the message reflected my mood as on entering into the mess of this new "Anyway" phase.

The rest of the cartoons/memes on slope, the SS and ear bandages were fun (My Pillow!), though not enough to humor me out of the dismay and overwhelm I'm feeling as this latest Dem drama takes another turn.

MamaM said...

The shoe yet to drop involves his ability/inability to function as President and Commander in Chief. That's up in the air as world leaders watch, form opinions and hatch up their own plans.

The Dude said...

Funny you should mention pillows - expect his "cold" to become "room temperature" ala late stage USSR power transitions.