Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ol' Sleepy does it again

This is too cute.

If you've followed the ups and (mostly)  downs of the Democrat party, you know they've been hemorrhaging blacks, Hispanics, women, and kids, as well as vets, working stiffs, well-to-dos, and anybody else dumb enough to live in a blue state that's sick of Shiite in the streets.

So, are there any more shoes to drop?

Oy gevalt!

In their rush to pander to the Middle Eastern vote, the Demos have cast the Jews to one side. It started, of course, when Benjamin Netanyahu ate Zippy's lunch live on global TV. Things didn't improve under the lying dogfaced pony soldier since he didn't attend temple after going to morning Mass (in your dreams) and then to AME services (sure...), but his attempt at full court obeisance to Hamas (which laid a big egg) while trying to keep the Jewish vote tied down seems to be the last straw.

If Sultan Knish has the goods, the Jewish vote is following Chuck Heston to the Promised Land of Trump votes, or at least the Sinai of no donations to the Demos. 

Any of them.

Since Trump raised >200 Million, 30% of which was from small donors, and got a 6 point bump in the polls (most significantly in the ones that sample likely voters), losing the Jews would be a huge last straw for the Demos.

Given we still have the debates and all kinds of leaks about how fuzzy Sleepy really is, this might be that bridge too far the demos fear. An unstealable election.


MamaM said...

I hope it's unstealable. At this point, I believe something is going to give.

edutcher said...

I do believe you're right. Brandon may be the flashpoint, but the article suggests the country is mad at the Democrats as a whole.