Saturday, January 27, 2018

Hail agin the barn door...

Well, actually, I certainly hope it never comes to that, but I needed to install a door in my living room and so I designed, built and installed a sliding door this week. 

I think it will do the trick.

It is made of Southern Yellow Pine, honey locust and Western Red Cedar.


Amartel said...

Nice! Barn doors inside the house are kind of a thing these days. Yours looks great.

ndspinelli said...

"You sure got a pretty mouth err...door."

The Dude said...

Thanks, Amartel - they certainly are trendy. I saw a complete door/track setup for sale over at Home Depot - if that doesn't signal the end of trendiness right there I don't know what does.

In this case I needed something compact and robust and that fills the bill.

And Spins, you know the local saying - turn around when you hear banjoes.

chickelit said...

Outstanding job, Sixty.

What kind metal and metal finish is that?

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

Is that a real phone in the background? It looks like a shrine.

The Dude said...

The metal is steel, with black finish, something I ordered from Amazon. Imagine that - they shipped that 79" long rail, somehow, and bam, it arrived at my door.

That is a real phone, with a dial - old school baby, hence the Western Electric tag. This house was built in 1951 and I bought it from the original owner. I liked the phone and phone book nook, and a bit of research shows that it is the kind of thing one could order in those days - it is made to fit between the studs and be recessed into the wall. Very cool, so that caused me to start looking for an old phone and after asking enough people I finally had one given to me. Too bad I don't actually have a land line, eh?

edutcher said...

Very nice and the idea of sliding horizontally is quite striking.

ricpic said...

OMG it's beautiful!

chickelit said...

Very nice and the idea of sliding horizontally is quite striking.

It's kind of a poor man's pocket door.

chickelit said...

Sixty Grit said...The metal is steel, with black finish, something I ordered from Amazon.

The reason I ask is because I made a set of built in shelves using wood and gas pipe and fittings. I finished the metal in gun metal blue.

chickelit said...

The phone nook is very arty. I'll bet it impresses the ladies.

The Dude said...

CL nailed it - that is precisely what it is - I wanted a sliding door but there is no way I am going to demolish a wall, reframe it, then install a pocket door.

The phone nook is a conversation piece - they used to be all the rage, now they are as antiquated as a flip phone or something. And once a year the local phone company sends me a tiny phone book that fits in the shelf under the phone.

Thanks, Ed and ricpic, I would say something modest like "It's just something I threw together" but that's not modest - that's literally what I did - took a look in my shop, found some boards that were the right size, planed them down and next thing you know, it's a door. I love it when a plan comes together.

windbag said...

Nice door. In another life, I'd like to have been a carpenter. There may still be time, eh?

The Dude said...

Go for it - it's never to late to take up woodworking in any of its many permutations.

Methadras said...

That's nice man. Really nice. If I had the room and the layout to do doors this way, I'd be all over it.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Calls to the Buddha.

Very nice door! I like barn doors. Trendy but not a trend that is fading. They are actually really useful.
Nice job.

The Dude said...

Thanks, DB@H, I do appreciate the positive feedback.

I was just talking to a friend and was asked what my next project is - I blurted out "Dutch doors" - hey, why not, right? There is another doorway in that room and I think Dutch doors would be, shall we say, interesting? As Methadras mentioned, there isn't always room for a slider, but something needlessly complicated might be fun.

I shall see what I can figure out. But with 4 hinges to install it won't be a quick project.

AllenS said...

Beautiful work, 60.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Nice work!

Trooper York said...

Did the horse get out?

Dad Bones said...

Roll on a couple coats of paint to hide those knots and you'll have yourself a door!

I had to throw in an old painter's joke. Looks great. Does it roll real smooth? All the barn doors I've pushed open or closed required some serious effort.

The Dude said...

Youse guys crack me up - and yep, slap a coat or two of Kilz on there, then some flat off-white and it will blend right in - works for me!

And yes, Troop, what can I say - SJP now roams free.

The Dude said...
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The Dude said...

And I forgot to mention - it rolls very smoothly - I kind of like it - the cats and dogs can open it if they have a notion to. Hmm, come to think of it - maybe that's not a good thing...