Sunday, July 30, 2017

"Wasserman Schultz Seemingly Planned To Pay Suspect Even While He Lived In Pakistan"

Via InstapunditDemocratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz seemingly planned to pay cyber-probe suspect and IT aide Imran Awan even while he was living in Pakistan, if the FBI hadn’t stopped him from leaving the U.S. Monday. Public statements and congressional payroll records suggest she also appears to have known that his wife, a fellow IT staffer, left the country for good months ago — while she was also a criminal suspect.

In all, six months of actions reveal a decision to continue paying a man who seemingly could not have been providing services to her, and who a mountain of evidence suggests was a liability. The man long had access to all of Wasserman Schultz’s computer files, work emails and personal emails, and he was recently accused by a relative in court documents of wiretapping and extortion.

Records also raise questions about whether the Florida Democrat permitted Awan to continue to access computers after House-wide authorities banned him from the network Feb. 2. Not only did she keep him on staff after the ban, but she also did not have any other IT person to perform necessary work that presumably would have arisen during a months-long period, according to payroll records.

(Link to more)


bagoh20 said...

I'm sure there is an innocent explanation...

being fabricated right now.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The Pakistanis around here have an informal cricket league going.

I'm okay with that.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Well, they look like Pakistanis to me.

Maybe they're Indian.

It's kind of hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'll show up to one of their matches with a case of beer.

That ought to get me an answer fairly quickly.

Or I could just ask.

Or I could just not give a shit.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Which reminds me: The hardest drinking guy I ever met was from Iran.

Kind of makes sense when you think about it.

Hey. Why not.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The explanation is - You're all rightwing islamophobes.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Special Prosecutor!

Rabel said...

It always seemed odd to me that Debbie gave up the DNC chair without much of a fight.

chickelit said...

Rabel, these days it must be a thankless job. I believe the current DNC chair is a Clinton annointee. How miserable. The Clintons still have a grip on half the Electoral College with no end in sight.

chickelit said...

The Dems are gonna prop up Hillary one last time in 2010 -- just as soon as they figure out that Kamala Harris has no appeal outside of coastal enclaves.

chickelit said...

Sorry, I meant 2020, not 2010. But y'all knew that.