Tuesday, March 21, 2017

"Wonder Woman Absolutely Should Not Have Armpit Hair, Sorry"

Via InstapunditWonder Woman doesn’t even come out until June, but people are already complaining that the movie is not feminist enough, because the superhero is conforming to unrealistic, patriarchal beauty standards by not having visible armpit hair.

The trailer for the film was released last week, and columnists have been writing think pieces about how problematic it is that Gal Gadot’s armpit hair appears to have been edited out in one of the shots. For example: In a piece for Forbes (titled “Wonder Woman Doesn’t Have Armpit Hair Because Women’s Bodies Freak Men Out”), Susannah Breslin mused that “maybe one day in the future, young girls will be brought up on images of a different kind of Wonder Woman — one who shaves nowhere and hides nothing.” In a piece for Refinery 29, Shannon Carlin writes that she finds it “hard to believe that Wonder Woman, who has been on an island filled with strong women her entire life is worried about waxing and then bleaching her pits to make sure there isn’t a hair left on those babies.”

Now, certainly, there are a lot of things that are “hard to believe” about how Wonder Woman looks considering her line of work, and they go way beyond her armpits. For example: She leaves her long, flowing cascade of loose curls down while she’s fighting enemies and it stays looking perfect the whole time; I can’t even do ten minutes of half-assed yoga in my room without tying mine back and it still gets tangled. She goes into battle wearing a tiny little dress; I feel like I might want to cover more of my skin if I knew I were going to be swordfighting in a field full of explosions.

But here’s the thing: That’s who Wonder Woman is. There is no room for debate about what Wonder Woman should and should not look like, because DC Comics already decided what she looks like when it created her in 1941: She always has a fresh blowout, she fights her enemies club attire, and she does not have armpit hair.

(Link to the whole thing)


edutcher said...

I will never understand guys who freak about this.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Shaving the pits is the easiest thing. Swipe swipe/ swipe swipe. Just do it. Females with hairy pits- yuck.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

OT: check out the new space program

Chip Ahoy said...

Eeeeew, April, that's a particularly good one.

Methadras said...

I might go Dr. Seuss here for a second, but I don't like arm pit hair, I do not like it, I do not care. Shave shave shave it I say, if you dally, you will delay, Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, says the lady in the turban, if you don't shave it all off, you will make men nervous.

Thank you. My show is at 11:00 with a 2 drink minimum that way ----------------->

bagoh20 said...

OK. She can have hairy pits if you feminists and lesbians can promise to get enough of your peeps to watch and make it profitable, but I doubt you are the target audience.

Have you ever heard men complain because the male leads in movies or TV don't have have enough back hair, or large enough beer guts? You know why not? Because, being a man means not being a victim until you are actually, you know, a victim, like in hurt, maimed, or dead. Not wanting to perform basic personal hygiene preferred by the general culture is not being victimized, it's just being lazy, maybe eccentric, or unattractive, but hardly victimized.

I'll tell you what is much worse than armpit hair - being a whiny bitch. Nobody like's that either, even other whiny bitches.

bagoh20 said...

I don't like armpit hair, although I could live with it, if I liked the lady otherwise. I don't like saved pussy. I like grown women, not little girls. I know it makes me old, but it's a complete turn off, only exceeded in turnoffage by the stupidity of piercing down south. Nobody needs a downstairs mix up like that.

Methadras said...

I will say for the record that I think Gal Gidot is wrong for the role as Wonder Woman, but she might pull it off from what I've seen. There is no doubt that she is quite beautiful as Wonder Woman should be, but her accent in the movie is just killing me.

Leland said...

Seems like the only one freaked out about Gal Gidot's body is Xe Breslin. I didn't see any men running to write opinion articles about it, but Xe Breslin did.

edutcher said...

It's interesting to note that the same people who got women to shave their twats were the same ones who got women to shave under the arms - Wilkinson Sword, the razor company.

About 100 years ago, they pushed the idea that all those Edwardian women, if they wanted to look truly elegant, needed to shave what showed when they raised their arms wearing those ball gowns. The Anglosphere bought it, although Continental Europe never quite got it.

Me, I've got no problem with hair down there, or under there, or clits, or anything. You want to shave, be my ghost; you don't, you're still a woman.

Now, if you want to know what is ghastly, take the Euro fashion of women 50 (yeah, some still look pretty good) or even 60 walking around the beach in bikinis, and, yes, many topless. That makes hair irrelevant IMHO.

William said...

If she was a real Amazon, she'd cut off one of her breasts to get better pull on the bowstring. That's what real Amazons used to do. It shows commitment to the vocation. An Amazon with two breasts is like a Viking with horn rimmed glasses. Total anachronism that takes you out of the story........ Of all the women who have recently saved the world, Jennifer Lawrence remains my favorite. In the Hunger Games movies, she looked athletic and heroic and yet still managed to retain her feminity while kicking ass. It's very difficult for a woman to look dainty and attractive while slaying opponents in combat.

AllenS said...

Actually, that space program video was pretty cool, April.

rhhardin said...

Body hair is a force multiplier, allowing you to feel bugs that otherwise would not stimulate a nerve.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

AllenS - thanks. Or the best 4th of July trick - ever.

rhhardin said...

Once you've lived with a babe for a while, looks aren't even noticed. It's all personality.

She might want to look good for others, or she might want you to look good for others.

The Dude said...

I am waiting for Gadot. You can't buffalo Gal.

bagoh20 said...

"bagoh20 said..."I don't like saved pussy."

Do mean the ones that need salvation or just a salve?"

Read "saved pussy", as meaning virgin, and it all works. I never make a mistake that can't be re-imagined as pure genius.

Lipperman said...

German rocker Nena (Neunundneunzig Luftballons) had ample armpit hair, and no reasonable person would kick her out of bed for it.

Titus said...

I don't like any hair anywhere. I want smooth everywhere. I don't mind hair on legs or arms-but just a little, light and not curly hair on legs or arms.

The back/sack/chest/crack have to be smooth-sorry that is the law.

women need to keep their armpit hair shaved.

