Sunday, November 27, 2016

Magic Underwear Traitor or America's Heroic make the call.

Trump spent Thanksgiving asking: Mitt or Rudy?

 New York Post By Emily Smith November 26, 2016

The talk at Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving dinner at his Florida club was all about if he should pick Mitt Romney or Rudy Giuliani for secretary of state.
The president-elect held court on Thursday at his Palm Beach, Fla., Mar-a-Lago club at a large table with family members including wife Melania and sons Eric and Barron.
One witness told us Trump took a prime table next to the fireplace in the club’s living room, but spent a lot of time greeting members and asking who they think should be his top diplomat.
The spy said, “Donald was walking around asking everybody he could about who should be his secretary of state. There was a lot of criticism about Romney, and a lot of people like Rudy. There are also many people advocating for [former US ambassador to the UN] John Bolton.”
On Friday it was reported that Trump wants Romney to publicly apologize for criticizing him during the campaign in order to be considered for secretary of state.
Guests joining Trump for Thanksgiving at Mar-a-Lago included Christopher Nixon Cox, the grandson of Richard Nixon, who we are told is being lined up to be Trump’s ambassador to China. Also there was Marvel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter, CEO of Newsmax Media Christopher Ruddy, boxing promoter Don King, interior designer William Eubanks and political consultant Mary Ourisman. Attracting almost as much attention as the president-elect was chiseled romance-novel hunk Fabio, who was seated at a table near Trump, and “was asked for pictures nearly as often as Trump himself.”
Meanwhile, security was intense. The witness told us that Ocean Boulevard outside Mar-a-Lago was sealed off, and all vehicles were diverted to a nearby parking lot to be fully searched and checked by sniffer dogs. Entering the club, all members had to pass through airport-style metal detectors and have their bags searched. Once inside, “Secret Service agents were swarming everywhere. But Trump seemed relaxed, like he was in his own living room and surrounded by family.”
(I agree with one of Trumps loyal surrogates and winning Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway who said today: “I’m all for party unity, but I’m not sure we have to pay for that with secretary of state position,” Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.”
She added: “It’s just breathtaking in scope and intensity the type of messages I’ve received from all over the country … the number of people who feel betrayed to think that Gov. Romney would get the most prominent Cabinet post after he went so far out of his way to hurt Donald Trump.”)


deborah said...

Before the election there was talk about the Utah's electoral college voting for a third party guy? Was there a deal in place to consider Romney if he swung those votes for Trump?

Trooper York said...

Of course there was a dirty deal let up with the Egg McMuffin guy.

deborah said...

Kellyanne from the article:

“It’s just breathtaking in scope and intensity the type of messages I’ve received from all over the country … the number of people who feel betrayed to think that Gov. Romney would get the most prominent Cabinet post after he went so far out of his way to hurt Donald Trump.”

Playing team sports is valuable because you learn the rough and tumble of cooperating with people you don't like. If Romney is better for the job, and I don't know that he is, what he said during an off-the-hook campaign season should not prevent his nomination.

Methadras said...

It's Rudy by a mile for me. I like Mitt Romney, I just don't like his milquetoast spineless approach to politics and life in general.

Trooper York said...

You have to be kidding? Seriously?

It would be Julius Caesar picking Brutus to be Secretary of State.

Abe Lincoln picking Jefferson Davis.

Sonny picking Cher.

A horrible choice.

Plus if he picks him Mittens would not last out the year.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

whoever Trump selects, we are 100% certain they won't set up a private server to hide their money-grubbing pay-to-play sell-America-down-the-river for personal enrichment schemes.

Trooper York said...

Unfortunately I don't think it will be Rudy because they would have announced it already.

It will be someone who has not been mentioned or only in passing. Petraeus. Tom Cotton. Personally I would ask Rand Paul. I know that is really outside the box but it would be an exciting pick. He is isolationist. America first. Not a war monger. Good on surveillance. Plus you get him out of the Senate so he doesn't vote against Trumps agenda. All in all a real strategic pick.

Trooper York said...

Of course that is off the wall and will not happen.

I think it will be Bolton actually. Rudy and Kellyanne could swallow Bolton.

Trooper York said...

Oh one more off the wall possibility that you might be hearing about soon.

Joe Lieberman.

ricpic said...

Maybe Trump's getting Romney's hopes up so he can say, "Now go get your shine box, Mitt!"

I just thought of that. Ain't I brilliant?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

eh - all these old geezers. How about someone younger and fresher?

I kinda like your Rand Paul idea, Troop.

ricpic said...

A great candidate for Sec State Trump probably isn't even aware of would be Frank Gaffney.

edutcher said...

Trump owes Romney nothing.

He could give him one of the plum ambassadorships, but, if Rudy wants State, he should get it.

PS If Rudy is not inclined, Petraeus would also be a good fit.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Unfortunately I don't think it will be Rudy because they would have announced it already.

Maybe. Except for AG, none of the big slots have been announced, so he could be just saving them.

It will be someone who has not been mentioned or only in passing. Petraeus. Tom Cotton. Personally I would ask Rand Paul. I know that is really outside the box but it would be an exciting pick. He is isolationist. America first. Not a war monger. Good on surveillance. Plus you get him out of the Senate so he doesn't vote against Trumps agenda. All in all a real strategic pick.

Cotton has been mentioned. Issue is, Rand doesn't want anybody at State who was for going to Iraq or who would bomb Iran (that isolationism again), which means Rudy or Bolton.

His big idea is Corker.

Go with Rudy, maybe Petraeus at DoD.

deborah said...

Bolton is an uber-neocon, and I thought we were anti-neocon here. And for God's sake, not Pa-frigging-treas. He's breached security, or committed treason?, for his mistress. He had to specifically admit to guilt A sick, sick choice. Besides, he's a headcase on an ego trip.

ricpic said...

Think outside the box, Trump. Dinesh D'souza. I'm series.

AllenS said...

Romney? Just say no.

Trooper York said...

Bolton is a neocon that is for sure. So I don't support him. I would be upset but not as upset if Captain Underoos gets it.

I don't think Petreaus could get confirmed.

His dicking around with a mistress is no big deal. He leaked some information to her to get laid. Hardly disqualifying.

If those ignorant racist assholes who wrote Hamilton knew anything about American History and the Reynolds affair they would be pumping for Petreaus so they can write a musical and have Morgan Freeman play him on Broadway. Or maybe Kevin Hart. Yeah that would be appropriate casting.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There have been hints Rudy is slipping. Petreaus would be ok, but he is going to have confirmation issues. I like Troop's Rand Paul suggestion.

Is this Mitt thing a Reince thing, or something more? I sure do not like his inner circle speaking to the press? Could that be a test in itself? Newt has failed that repeatedly. I would lean to those who know how to STFU.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

No Lieberman. I would rather Mitt than Lieberman.

The Dude said...

Captain Underoos - I laughed.

Is Lieberman still alive? Hell, if you are going to go with a thousand year old commie, why not hire someone with experience - plus, I hear She is looking for work these days.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


I prefer Bolton. He knows the ins and outs of not just International affairs, but more importantly how to deal with the career bureaucrat weasels in the State Department. Most of the obstructions, delays and backstabbing will come from WITHIN.

Neither Rudy or Mitt would be able to deal on day one with all the internal crappola. Bolton knows this stuff backwards and forwards, having been immersed in that particular swamp for decades.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty: Sure, why not. Hell, it might end this whole recount nonsense! Fuck, while he is at it, give Dr. Stein a job as Surgeon General of Homeopathy.

DBQ: Yes, I like Bolton too. His mustache alone drives the left insane, but he might be a wee bit to Bushy (in a different way) for SoS. But I would be fine if Trump went with Bolton. For a bit of fun, what if Trump put Mattis as SoS?

I am just not getting why Kellyanne has to go public to reign her boss in. Can't she and Bannon pull Trump aside privately? That is not a good sign. Unless it is all just a massive Psych-Ops set up by Trump, Bannon and Kellyanne.

Trooper York said...

This was an end around Pence. Trump puts a lot of stock in his opinion. So she went public to protect the interest of Trumps supporters. I don't have a problem with that.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

And for God's sake, not Pa-frigging-treas. He's breached security, or committed treason?, for his mistress. He had to specifically admit to guilt A sick, sick choice. Besides, he's a headcase on an ego trip.

Petraeus was set up because Pissy didn't want to face him in '12.

What might be fun is, as former Director of Central Intel, he would have lots on the hypocrites going after him.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

For a bit of fun, what if Trump put Mattis as SoS?

Mattis? Oh, God, no. Just another chest-thumping jarhead.

Petraeus is more in the George Marshall/Al Wedemeyer mold, which is what you need.

I am just not getting why Kellyanne has to go public to reign her boss in. Can't she and Bannon pull Trump aside privately? That is not a good sign. Unless it is all just a massive Psych-Ops set up by Trump, Bannon and Kellyanne.

By George, I think he's got it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ed, I sure hope so!

deborah said...

I humbly apologize for the times I said Rand Paul looked like he had a squirrel on his head. Love that guy, he was such a straight shooter at the debates. I think he'd do great, but picking him is a longshot.

The Dude said...

The squirrel?

deborah said...

His hair.

windbag said...

Romney for Ambassador to the Vatican.

Bolton would be a solid pick. Zero learning curve.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Is Trump mad?


Three possibilities?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


I just can't believe Kellyanne is going "rogue"--something else is going on.

deborah said...


Michael Haz said...

Neither one.

Not Romney because he's Romney.

Not Rudy because he has foreign entanglements resulting from his national security consulting company. Plus, that job requires a younger person who has a high stamina.

Not sure about Bolton. He's smart and facile, but meh. His answers come too quickly, without much thought sometimes.

A retired general would be better. To arrive at the general rank, a person has to be extraordinarily well educated on world politics, and fully understand the enemies' weaknesses and America's strengths. And it's good to project power in that position.

But Petraeus? Smart as can be, but the lapses in judgment are troublesome. Perhaps General Robert Scales.

Trooper York said...

I think that an out of the box choice that is being touted in the Hawaiian Congressperson Tulsi Gabbard would be the perfect pick.

She is totally against the TPP and served in Iraq. She is a Democrat but not a crazy liberal. She would be a good fit and the out of the box pick that would confound Trump's critics.

Plus she is a hot chick and the God-Emperor Ascendant loves him some hot chicks.

Trooper York said...

Wait even the hot chicks?

Can't we keep them as slaves or something?

I mean Hillary and Rosie O'Donnell and and Lena Dunham and Megyn Kelly sure. Off with their heads.

But we can keep some of the hot ones around. Just sayn'

The Dude said...

A hot democrat chick. Is there a thermal inversion in Brooklyn that is depriving you of oxygen? Some of them may be semi-attractive in a superficial way, but once they talk it's as if you have stared into the void.