Sunday, November 27, 2016

"Electoral voters 'deluged' with death threats in multiple states"

One of Michigan’s 16 electors who will be called upon to cast a vote validating the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College has testified on video that he and others in the state are receiving “dozens and dozens of death threats” from Hillary Clinton supporters urging them to switch their votes to Clinton.

On Dec. 19 the Electoral College will convene to cast their votes for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, with each state’s electors pledged to vote for the candidate elected on Nov. 8 in their state.

But more than a dozen states have no laws making it illegal for the electors to change their vote while others have only a minor penalty such as a fine for doing so. If Clinton’s supporters can get enough of the 163 electors from states where Trump both won and votes can be legally switched on Dec. 19, Hillary Clinton becomes the next president of the United States.



Eric the Fruit Bat said...

But more than a dozen states have no laws making it illegal for the electors to change their vote while others have only a minor penalty such as a fine for doing so.

But they might, just might, have a law or two making it illegal to threaten murder. Who knows? Maybe the federal government too.

Fake news.

Methadras said...

This is how the RMPC's impose their little tyrannies. They are to be reviled, found, and shot dead on the spot. Every single one of them. Why we tolerate this level of traitorism in our midst is a mystery to me. This isn't even about free speech anymore. This is about the attempted subversion of the democratic process to elect our leadership.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

This is because leftist progressive Castro-admiring fascist dictator loving, lie-excusing democrat socialists are tolerant.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Drudge has a link to the "American Thinker" on the real reason the democrat machine are demanding a recount.

Why do so many sites like American Thinker and Brietbart and even NRO -they are energy sucking computer crashing sites. It's so annoying.

ricpic said...

The Left is going to spend 24/7 for the next 4 years thinking up ways to "denormalize" the Trump presidency. This recount is just the start.

Trooper York said...

"If your elector lasts for more than four hours then contact your doctor."

edutcher said...

If they really had anything, they would have jumped on it immediately, the way Dubya did in '00.

Stein just wants to recoup some of her campaign expenses, but the Beast probably thinks she can still win.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

But more than a dozen states have no laws making it illegal for the electors to change their vote while others have only a minor penalty such as a fine for doing so.

But they might, just might, have a law or two making it illegal to threaten murder. Who knows? Maybe the federal government too.

And that's what the little snowflakes don't get. You're dealing with the law, not Mommy and Daddy who will let you have whatever you want when you throw a tantrum.

ricpic said...

The Left is going to spend 24/7 for the next 4 years thinking up ways to "denormalize" the Trump presidency. This recount is just the start.

They were going to do it, anyway. I think this sort of stuff backfires on them.

PS If Breitbart crashes your machine, maybe it's time to pry open your pocketbook and upgrade.

edutcher said...

FWIW I do think some of the websites like Gateway and WND are hyping this to keep the drama going.

You need to show real evidence of chicanery in PA to get a recount and Meshugah finally certified its vote on Thursday.

WI, even if a recount did come up differently, wouldn't change who won, but, if we want a nationwide audit that could invalidate as much as 10% of the Demo vote (if not more), knock yourself out.

deborah said...

She'd have to flip 37, I think, and that would be difficult. I think a Dem elector wants to vote Trump.

edutcher said...

WI is 10, MI is 16, and PA is 20.

Leland said...

I'm not worried about them over turning the electoral college via a recount, because if there is cheating in PA, it's likely to the Democrats favor already. PA has to flip for the electoral college to be in play, even by flipping electors. I am pissed that I haven't heard of any arrests or investigations into the death threats.

I do think every effort will be made to flip WI, and to do so quickly in the hope of creating a snowball effect. At the very least, as mentioned previously, an effort to delegitimize Trump, and assure he doesn't have a mandate; despite the fact that he won, and elections have consequences, and the GOP retained both halves of Congress and elections have consequences, and one of the consequences is an open seat on the Supreme Court. Of course, the consequences is why this recount effort is being pushed. I'm not buying the Stein scam, because I think the scam is a bit bigger than her. I suspect the Clinton camp got Stein to push for the recount, so Hillary can feign that she is sticking to her debate comments and only supporting Stein's effort as a right. This is why I think a major effort will be made to flip WI. They think it can be done, and if they think it; they will try every tactic they can get away with, including unlawful ones.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

They are scheming. Scheming is what the Clinton corruption machine does best.

Perhaps Trump will re-think his pre-pardon of her.

Trooper York said...

Of course he could. That is the point of it. They don't want to fuck with him. Why they don't think he can change his mind? Heh.

edutcher said...

That old Greek proverb about being careful for what you wish strikes again.

Trump uses the recount nonsense to take the media to task about vote fraud in VA, NH, and CA.

37 dimensional virtual stealth ninja chess again.

Amartel said...

Death (and other) threats, paid rioters, speech codes and other expression repression, targeted assassinations, bannings, swattings, harassment litigation, blood libel, vote fraud, fake media on a grand scale including false narratives, selective presentation, and outright lies, and too much else to list, all in the name of clinging to power. But it's the right wing that is always supposed to pose the clear and present danger of violence and hate. Sure.