Monday, October 31, 2016

James Otis

James Otis is the giant D-bag who smashed Trump's star in the sidewalk using a pickax. Then he gets to put himself in the news, produce a news conference and call Trump serial liar and a spewer of hate. 

Not at all ironically by first lying about Trump lying and secondly by being hateful himself while projecting all that onto Trump, no, not ironically at all. Freud already had his field day with this type, but Freud no longer holds any cachet among the upper crust. 

Here's the story on the only newspaper useful to Americans anymore,  Daily Mail
The story is also all over with various other details.

He is heir to the Otis (of elevator fame) fortune, a privileged pestilence who brags about being arrested some 26 times previously for his liberal convictions. See, when you can feel no pain and your money can buy you out of every situation and you have no real talent nor notable skill there's nothing left for you to do but get worked up unnecessarily and cause trouble as high schoolers do, and draw attention to yourself and your many insipid causes. 

So forget about James Otis. Such a dope. Get a load of the smug expression of woman standing next to him. How she does enjoy his entertaining antics, his courage, his implacable convictions. His lawyer presumably. I don't know, maybe his supportive wife. Either way, an adorer. 

Who cares, really?  Didn't even bother to listen.

His ancestor didn't invent elevators, he invented a safety latch that prevents them from plunging and made possible their use in tall buildings. His ancestor really did change the world. But James cannot. Not by bashing a sidewalk.

And this causes me to celebrate his perfectly prosaic ordinariness. We might even like the guy if we knew him. And I'm fairly certain Trump doesn't give a flat f. Although I read yesterday that Trump is trying to track down the street woman who was attacked trying to protect the replacement star. To reward her, I guess. 


Synova said...

Is he at least going to have to personally pay enough to replace the star?

chickelit said...

His personal situation reminds me of William S. Burroughs -- trust fund baby. Has Otis shot any wives or girlfriends?

Amartel said...

Privileged, unaccountable narcissist who adds zero value. Typical lefty douchebag.

Methadras said...

Another useless clusterfuck i'm putting on my "Punch in the face list." he won't mind when I vandalize his face with my fist and claim a higher moral ground. Then I can yell at him "Going down?" oh yeah motherfucker.

ricpic said...

"...unaccountable narcissist....."

Ann Barnhardt devotes a whole youtube video to Diabolical Narcissism, her term for what she considers the principle scourge of our age. Worth viewing.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Loser. Sad.

AllenS said...

Rich asshole.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Freud already had his field day with this type, . . .

I don't get that.

AllenS said...

Somebody's elevator isn't going to the top floor.

Chip Ahoy said...

Eric, "projection" is not just another river in Egypt. James Otis feels provoked by Donald Trump and feels hate and so calls what Trump says hateful where the hate exists in his own heart, and this gives himself righteous permission to behave hatefully.

The street woman's emotional problems are more apparent. She sits on the sidewalk ostensively to protect a star from hate. While holding provocative signs that are hateful.

The street crowd provoked by her signs tear up the signs, push the woman, abuse her while lecturing her on bringing the hate that they feel toward her and her activities and her messaging. Justifying the real hate that exists in their own hearts.

We're given this provocative item in the news and I am provoked to produce a denigrating satire animated gif.

See? Hate all around. Projected and real. A hatefest. A psychological field day.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

A rich white limousine trust-funder liberal with a pickax. The media must love him.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Okay, I get it. A way to say he's nuts. Agreed, very much so.

Sometimes I get very literal-minded.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

LOL Chip

Trump doesn't give a flat f

As a musician, I see what you did there :-)