Sunday, October 30, 2016

An Interesting Theory posted on the American Thinker!

What if Hillary and the Establishment can't steal the election?

There are a multitude of theories going around as to why the FBI reopened the Hillary email case just eleven days before the election.  I have my own.

I would have thought all of the new information revealed by WikiLeaks would have been enough to see Hillary's case reopened, but that just didn't seem to do it.  It took a set of emails supposedly obtained during the Anthony Weiner investigation to move that mountain.  What are contained in these new emails that aren't in the Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks?  Is there some new bombshell?  Or could it be that because the public doesn't know what they contain, these emails are useful for purely political purposes?  But to what end?

What if it's because they think Donald Trump is about to win the election, and not just win, but win big?  We know (confirmed by WikiLeaks and Project Veritas) that the DNC, media, and pollsters are doing their best to rig the election for Hillary.  But their tireless efforts don't appear to be working.  Just look at the enthusiasm and size of the Trump rallies versus Hillary's.  Combine what is easily seen with the large numbers of people we're told are silently supporting Trump and others who are registering to vote for the first time (to vote for Trump), and it is possible that there could be a big surprise come election day. 

So what (for the establishment) could possibly be worse than a Trump presidency?  I think it would be a Trump presidency with a clear mandate.  Democrats are already crying foul about the timing of this investigation.  Without any bombshell details, though, it will unlikely change many minds at this point.  But that certainly wouldn't be the narrative if Trump were to win and win big.  The existence of this last-minute "partisan" investigation would be used to delegitimize Trump's presidency by claiming that the election was stolen or that he lacks a true mandate of the people.

Perhaps the reason for this surprise "investigation" (one that could end as the last one did following the election) is simply that Hillary and the establishment have conceded that they will be unable to steal this election and have moved on to the next best thing: attempting to steal Trump's mandate.   

Scott blogs at

(Now I would characterize this as wishful thinking. I think that this will be a close election. It will be based on turnout and enthusiasm. Will the nonstop corruption of Hillary depress the democratic base enough to let Trump win? We know that Trump's voters will come out in droves. Just as they did in the primary. In fact I suggest that the nonstop media bashing and the rigged polls are all part and parcel of an attempt to depress Trumps voters and to get them to stay home. It is not going to work. 

The October "surprises" that drop will most likely be more of the same. Yeah Trump is a  vulgarian who likes pussy. But Hillary is a flat out criminal who violates the law with the thought that she will always get away with it. Let's see which narrative wins.

Trump will not have a mandate. Even if he wins in a landslide. He has too many enemies in the duopoly on both sides of the aisle. He has to deal with quislings and traitors like Paul Ryan. He only has his people on his side. So it will be tough to get things done. The only thing he has on his side is that he is right on the issues and he can galvanize the public behind him. For example if the military/industrial/foreign policy complex pushes for war with Russia and can fight back and get the majority of the public on his side. Right wing crazies like me and even millennials who don't want to go to war over Syria. So he has a chance to change things. Incrementally. But will be a start. That is all I can hope for. That is all you can vote for.

Otherwise it is the Clinton Crime Family all the way down,)


The Dude said...

Well, here it is Sunday afternoon and there is still no word on what Comey's lackeys found or where they found it, specifically. Will there be any actual information made public prior to election day? Stay tuned, kids, this thing won't be over until it's over. Or, as one wag put it, until the fat woman is behind bars.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I hope you are right about the win coming...

I do not think so--at least not how you are portraying it. The race is tight and yes, there are a lot of voters going with Trump to effectively say fuck you to the Democrats and Republicans. But I still think the race is tight and was favoring Hillary with the Bill Bush thing and unfortunately Democrats tend to be mindless cogs who sort of wail and point at any challenger in a general election race like Donald Sutherland the end of the remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Still, if Hillary loses over can only reinforce your belief that there is a God and he is still looking out for America.

I pray it is so.

ricpic said...

Oy, enough with the Machiavellian stuff. They're not that clever. She's dead.

Trooper York said...

Evi what you are missing is the enthusiasm gap. The blacks do not have it for Grandma Hillary. Hillary will not get them out the way Obama did. The brothers are not going to buy the feminism bullshit that twats like Megyn Kelly are selling. They agree with Trump and admire that he is a playa! So they ain't gonna leave their baby mamas bed in a warm crib to vote for the old white lady that reminds them of their social worker.

The Latinos had it when Trump was emphasizing the Wall and deporting the criminal illegal aliens. Did you notice that has gone out of the news cycle? If the media where hammering the immigration thing to drive up the Latino vote that would gin up enthusiasm. When was the last time you heard about that? It is 24 hour pussy talk. Trump still loses the beaners big time but they might be busy standing outside of Home Depot to go vote.

On the flip side the continuing evidence of Hillary's corruption is firing up Trump's voters. They can taste it. Weiner is going to rat out the Clinton Crime family to save his degenerate ass. He is dealing with the NYPD and they are not carrying water for Hillary. They hate Hillary and De Blasio and if they can fuck her over they are going to do it. Look for some selective leaks next week. Some of them will be bullshit. But the NYPD can be very creative. Just look at what they come up with when they shoot another black dude.

ricpic said...

Even Latinos. That Macho culture. You think they're excited about voting for a La (female) Jefe?

Trooper York said...

The illegals are excited. They are letting them vote in California. The thing is it is the battleground states that are in issue. There are not enough illegals there yet to steal the election. Not yet.

Hillary's plan is to import them as soon as possible.

ricpic said...

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have underlined La Jefe by throwing in (female). I mean I'm dealing with swifties here. You all get it. It's me, I don't get it any longer. This whole computer language? Beyond me. Not DBQ. How the hell does she know all that stuff? But seriously, does America ever let us down? We needed a man to lead us out of the wilderness and along came Trump. It's little short of a miracle but that's the thing about this country: miracles all the time.

edutcher said...

As to the original post, a lot of people (me, included) will tell you this has always been the issue.

In July, they had to spot the Beast between 5 and 8 points to keep her competitive. now you have to add 10 to that range. For funsies, take a look at this map. Now color all the yellow states red and throw in ME and MN, maybe a couple of others.

A few weeks ago, before we heard Trump said pussy and we knew he wasn't referring to Honor Blackman, that was the map we were all contemplating. I'm betting the reality of that map is what has not only the Demos, but the Whigs also, petrified. If Trump comes into DC with a Reaganesque mandate, it's the end of the world as they know it.

PS ric, they didn't think much of Reagan when he came in, either.

Trooper York said...

Trump will not have a mandate not matter how many votes and electoral college votes he gets.

Do you think that people like bags and April will support his plans? That the Nevertrumpers will be loyal in the Congress?

Trump will have to fight for each individual policy. Building a coalition on each issue. It will have to include both Democrats and Republicans. Because Republicans have proven that they can not be loyal to him.

For example he can cobble together a coalition to begin infrastructure spending. He is a builder and he knows how to do that. So if concentrates on that he can jump start the economy.

Trooper York said...

He will also have a lot of Democrats in his coalition to avoid more wars in the Middle East. The Democratic antipathy to Russia is only because of Hillary using it to hit Trump with Putin. Once that is over they will go back to sucking Russian dick.

The Neocons will drumbeat to start a war. They will find every Russian move in their sphere of influence as a reason to jump start a conflict. Trump doesn't buy into that bullshit. He will cut deals with Putin. Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg and George Will and the Wheelchair guy will shit themselves. But guess what. Their behavior in this election means they will have as much influence in this administration as Rosie O'Donnnell and Cher.

No war with Russia over Syria. Or the Ukraine. Or the Crimea. Or any other excuse. American policy for things to benefit native Americans.

bagoh20 said...

"Do you think that people like bags and April will support his plans?

Depends on what it is. Are you willing to pledge support for anything he does in advance?

Trooper York said...

I don't have too bags. I supported him wholeheartedly when he needed support. He doesn't have to worry about me. I will speak out when he is making a mistake in my view.

Everyone will be welcome to join in a coalition on a particular issue. Even Paul Ryan. But they are not to be trusted. Ever. It is as simple as that. The proof is in the pudding.

Trooper York said...

When Trump wins people like Ted Cruz will be right there to kiss his ass and get his appointment to the Supreme Court. It is inevitable.

I hope Trumps appoints him. He is unpleasant enough to make a good justice.

There will be a lot of that going on. Wait and see.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Trump will not have a mandate not matter how many votes and electoral college votes he gets.

Do you think that people like bags and April will support his plans? That the Nevertrumpers will be loyal in the Congress?

Trump will have to fight for each individual policy

We saw the same with Reagan.

Thing is, a lot of real people supported him, too, and the Whigs back then knew their survival was predicated on being nice to him and the same will apply now - be a help or get yourself primaried, but you're right about him building coalitions to push through policies.

That's his strong suit, one of the things we were talking about back during the primaries. Now I agree bag will probably play curmudgeon, maintaining he should have done it this way rather than that. As for the Bluebird of Happiness, she'll vote against it before she votes for it. You'll know because those will be the times she's conspicuous for her absence.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I would be so delighted with a Trump win!

It would be scrumptious.

I so hope you and ed are right, Troop.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Secret Forces!

Trooper York said...

Unfortunately ed it is all too predictable.

Thats the thing about Trump. He is unpredictable. I am sure he is going to do things that are really going to piss me off. Mostly regarding social conservative issues. But I am pretty sure he is going to default to a common sense everyday position that I can live with on most issues.

The Dude said...

Drudge is reporting that 650,000 emails were found - is that credible?

edutcher said...

You know, I wouldn't be surprised. When I was working, I got all kinds of record-keeping stuff, jokes, who's up for fantasy football, meetings, etc.

It can add up.

Trooper York said...

Unfortunately ed it is all too predictable.

Thats the thing about Trump. He is unpredictable. I am sure he is going to do things that are really going to piss me off. Mostly regarding social conservative issues. But I am pretty sure he is going to default to a common sense everyday position that I can live with on most issues.

I would say so.

I don't think Trump is quite as weird as you think on social issues, but he does strike me as tolerant, particularly where homosexuals are concerned. They're probably a little more acceptable in the circles in which he moves and, like a lot of us, I think whatever his views on what they do with each other is not a reason to toss them off high rises or gun down 50 of them in a night club. He does seem to have come around on abortion, though.

If it makes you feel any better, there were things Reagan did that ticked me, so nobody is going to like anybody's decisions all the time.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Secret Forces!

Hardly secret. We've known for some time the Reagan Democrats were coming back and he was doing well with the Indies and older Millennials, as well as substantial portions of blacks, homosexuals, Hispanics, and, yes, women (seen any of those pink Women For Trump bumper stickers?).

If there's a secret Monster vote beyond that, I don't know what it is.

edutcher said...

OK, here's what Sixty was talking about; once again the London Daily Mail proves it's the new newspaper of record in this country.

A few of the headlines:

EXCLUSIVE: Resignation letters piling up from disaffected FBI agents
His wife urging him to admit he was wrong
Why Director Comey jumped at the chance to reopen Hillary investigation

Also, take a peek at Drudge.

bagoh20 said...

RCP: "Trump’s average in the four-way race now the highest it’s been all year"

"His previous best, the day of the first presidential debate, was 41.5 percent. His crapola performance that night plus a heap of scandal in the following weeks kept him durably below that number for a solid month — until today, when he’s up to 41.6 percent and seemingly still rising. In any other year, for any other major-party nominee, topping out at 42 percent would be known in professional parlance as “hot garbage” but Trump has the good fortune to be running against a candidate who is herself terrible."

In my opinion Trump has been hindered most by sycophant enablers that never pushed him to make the easy pivots that would have gotten him another 5-8% by now locking this thing down,and actually creating a real (although weak) mandate. Luckily, events themselves, not Trump have done serious damage to Clinton, who likewise suffered from her own enablers not insisting that she avoid being a corrupt lying bitch. Both candidates suffer from being treated like royalty by their own people when they screw up leading them to buying their own hype. It's a really bad mindset for a President, as we have just watch for 8 years.

bagoh20 said...


She was SOS for four years so that would be 445 per day - 7 days a week.

bagoh20 said...

"Someone, somewhere, should have told her no. Well, yes. But who? That was the problem with Secretary of State Clinton, and it will be a bigger problem with a President Clinton. Because, by all appearances, nobody tells Clinton no, and Clinton has no compunction about breaking the rules when it suits her purposes."

Hopefully Trump's circle includes better, stronger, more independent-thinking people.

rcocean said...

Trump won't have a mandate?

LOL! and more LOL!

1 - Republican Presidents NEVER have a "Mandate".
2 - The Establishment (including Ryan and McConnell) will NEVER accept the idea that Trump's election means NO to open borders or Globalization or anything else they Love.
3 - Many Republicans have made it clear they'd rather LOSE then support Trump or his ideas.

rcocean said...

"Everyone will be welcome to join in a coalition on a particular issue. Even Paul Ryan. But they are not to be trusted. Ever. It is as simple as that. The proof is in the pudding."

If Trump wins, Paul Ryan is OUT. There's no way Trump will tolerate him as Speaker. And neither should his supporters. He's a Hillary supporter, who's tried to help Hillary get elected.

People like McCain/Romney/Ryan have shown whose side they are on. And its not the Republican side.

rcocean said...

"In my opinion Trump has been hindered most by sycophant enablers that never pushed him to make the easy pivots that would have gotten him another 5-8% by now locking this thing down,and actually creating a real (although weak) mandate."

What BS. You, April, and people like you have been been undercutting Trump every step of the way. This is just more of the same.

After spending almost a year, saying he was an un-electable, crazy, conman, now you're new shtick is "he could have won easily if only..."

LOL. No doubt if he gets elected (which I doubt), you'll be talking about how he has to "move to the center" "work to get things done" "face reality and stop talking about immigration" etc.

edutcher said...

rc, I think you're right about Ryan. One way or another, he goes.

Also, the "he could have...". That's the Bluebird of Happiness' schtick.

bagoh20 said...


She was SOS for four years so that would be 445 per day - 7 days a week.

That's hardly beyond the realm of possibility. How many reports, meeting, minutes, heads-ups, would have normally crossed her desk, plus all the influence-peddling and extracurricular politicking?

edutcher said...

Well, this should make for a fun-filled week - the Feds have gotten a warrant to go through Huma's emails.

windbag said...

But seriously, does America ever let us down?

Bears some consideration. As despairing as I've become over our crumbling Republic (and Western Civilization), there are bright spots. I have a young cook, 16 years old. He flies a Gadsen flag on his truck and parks out in the grass next to the road. People comment appreciatively all the time when they come in. He's even inspired another worker, who's pretty much a sissified emo, to attach an American flag to his car. There will always be those who value freedom; it just seems like we're in the minority in this screwed up world right now.

bagoh20 said...

"What BS...After spending almost a year, saying he was an un-electable, crazy, conman, now you're new shtick is "he could have won easily if only...""

That there is the BS. I never said he was unelectable. In fact, earlier I was more confident he could win than I have been recently. Go back and check it. I've been saying all along that this election was easy for most any Republican to win, including Trump, but that he was blowing it, which he has been. If he wins, it will be mostly because of Hilary's vulnerability, which he's been very poor at making worse than his own. Is that really a tough argument? Luckily, her's are starting to stink pretty good all on their own.

See, I can criticize even the guy I will vote for. I don't need to prove my love for any politician. I'm for the country first, second, and third.

"LOL. No doubt if he gets elected (which I doubt), you'll be talking about how he has to "move to the center" "work to get things done" "face reality and stop talking about immigration" etc. "

I'll be saying he has to be effective, and do it within the Constitutional restrictions of the office. I doubt the tribalists will have that same concern. Some put Trump first, nationalism second and the Constitution third. I'll be pointing that treason out if it happens. So will a lot of patriots, who will likely be denigrated for it.

Trooper York said...

Trump does have people who stand up to him. His family. He offered the VP to Chrisrie but Ivanka and her husband and Donnie forced him to change.

That is a good sign.

bagoh20 said...

Sorry guys, but a mandate pretty much requires at least a majority of the vote and then some - not 40 some percent. I doubt anyone gets a mandate out of this mess. I do think a mandate was possible though with a less controversial candidate. A mandate doesn't come from your base being really enthusiastic. It comes from either broad appeal, or strong appeal for some and at least acceptance by many more.

The Dude said...

Pence seems to have good political instincts based on his transparency comment today.

Christie only exists to make the rest of us look svelte.

Trooper York said...

Trump would not have a mandate with some people if he gets 60% of the vote.

He can get some stuff done on a case by case deal basis. But the last thing he should do is trust the republican establishment or the so called conservatives. They will betray him and the people every time. It is what they do.

Trooper York said...

He has to build a new nationalist Republican Party out of the Lilly lived pussies who run it now.

The Pat Buchanan/Joe Mc Carthy shanty Irish types like me will be behind hm all the way.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Sorry guys, but a mandate pretty much requires at least a majority of the vote and then some - not 40 some percent. I doubt anyone gets a mandate out of this mess.

A few things to consider.

Pat Caddell told Breitbart there was still about 10% undecided out there. That's a big unknown.

Then there's a third of likely voters less likely to go Frumpty after Comey's announcement. Any significant portion of that fraction spells trouble.

Now there's an item today about the half dozen states that have early voting that allow that vote to be changed. Google is reporting a spike in inquiries about how to do that.

Event-driven, remember.

I think a mandate is very possible. The numbers may be screwy, but the trend seems pretty clear.

Methadras said...

There is no such thing as a mandate. If you win the presidency, that in effect is a mandate. You will then move your agenda forward and you will see who supports you and who doesn't. That doesn't preclude what most people would call a mandate. The notion of a mandate seems silly in the face of a win.

edutcher said...

Maybe CA isn't as blue as we think.

Methadras said...

A lot of counties in CA are red, but LA and the bay area are utterly blue and they are pretty much driving the state going blue. I'll be stunned if two things happen in California. Prop 63 goes down in defeat and California goes for Trump.

rcommal said...

1 - Republican Presidents NEVER have a "Mandate".

Not so.

For just a couple of examples, within my own lifetime: Reagan managed it, once, and so did George W. Bush, once.

rcommal said...

That said:

There is no such thing as a mandate. If you win the presidency, that in effect is a mandate. You will then move your agenda forward and you will see who supports you and who doesn't. That doesn't preclude what most people would call a mandate. The notion of a mandate seems silly in the face of a win.

How refreshing, that statement/observation/analysis is from the commenter who posted it.

This is why I keep paying attention to what people say, as I have from very earliest childhood unto this upcoming 56th year mile-marker. It's an important thing so to do.

rcommal said...

Well, hell, so did Nixon, at least once, given the definition. It's just that he so fucked it up that no one wants to remember that. Only sayin'.

rcommal said...

Blogger rcommal said...

Well, hell, so did Nixon, at least once, given the definition. It's just that he so fucked it up that no one wants to remember that. Only sayin'.

October 31, 2016 at 3:16 AM Delete

This comment is an extension of this one:

Blogger rcommal said...

1 - Republican Presidents NEVER have a "Mandate".

Not so.

For just a couple of examples, within my own lifetime: Reagan managed it, once, and so did George W. Bush, once.

October 31, 2016 at 3:02 AM Delete

To be clear about it.

rcommal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcommal said...

Make no mistake about it, I could post a home-town newspaper clip, meaning her hometown and not mine, of my most-beloved, most-missed grandmother (dead now for 25 years, come December 2016) just a few years before her death stating plain her thoughts about various things, including her affinity for Archie Bunker.

Hell, I'm a girl. I've got feelz, too. Feelz are not just for the boys, as my long-dead grandma edith told me, taught me, from when I was just a toddler.

rcommal said...

One of my favorite old photographs, bequeathed to me, is one capturing me, my mom, my grandma edith, and my great-grandma 'fina in Racine, Wisconsin, earliest '60s, before, for example, even my little brother was born. : ) ; )

Dust Bunny Queen said...

A lot of counties in CA are red, but LA and the bay area are utterly blue and they are pretty much driving the state going blue

Methadras is correct. Outside of a few coastal/urban areas the majority of the Counties in Calif are republican. My county and the surrounding counties vote 75 to 90% Republican. The majority of counties north of Sacramento with the exception of the Chico area which is a college town and therefore reliably brain dead liberal are all Red Counties. Unfortunately, we are also generally sparsely populated and our votes are lost, overwhelmed by the Blue counties which are also home to many illegals.

This is why we are agitating for a separation from the rest of California and want to establish the State of Jefferson. We have zero representation in the State Legislature. Our wishes, desires and our votes count as much as a bucket of warm spit. Our every action, our economics our lives are dictated by people in areas who have no consideration of or knowledge of anything outside of their little blue bubble. In essence a microcosm of the United States with the urban elites controlling and denigrating the rural rubes.

In a Presidential Election our electoral votes all go to the Democrats EVEN if the majority of the geographic area votes Republican. If the vote is split statewide as 51% Dem and 49% Republican......49% of us are ignored and our votes count for nothing.

Imagine the game changer if the Electoral College votes were apportioned in a proportional manner by voting district as they are in some other States. Maine for example. That would put California back in play and make OUR votes, in the Red Counties, really count.

Imagine if 30 of California's electoral votes went to Trump instead of all 55 to Clinton!!!!

bagoh20 said...

I would love to see a State of Jefferson. It makes perfect sense as California is too big to have just one opinion, leaving millions without a voice - a larger population than many entire states. I'd move there and bring a hundred jobs with me, but will they respect all 12 genders I cycle through between breakfast and lunch?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

We would love to have you and your business Bags. Probably even set up an enterprise zone just for you. Seriously. A State of Jefferson would not be subject to the job killing rules that California has instituted. All that can be jettisoned. We could be very business friendly.

Recreation? The hang gliding off of some of the lava bluffs in our area is phenomenal...or so I hear from people into that. Fly fishing? Skiing? Ocean fishing? Hiking? Mountain climbing? Star gazing? Hunting?

but will they respect all 12 genders I cycle through between breakfast and lunch?

Only if you show us videos of your wardrobe, wig and make-up changes. Entertainment is as you find it in the State of Jefferson :-)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The State of Jefferson needs to happen. And in the next few days if possible.

Amartel said...

I'm in! We can colonize the rest of California and Oregon from the top down/bottom up.

BTW, the State of Jefferson is the best part of any road trip from San Fran to Portland.

Amartel said...

Those emails were Huma's insurance policy and/or the way in which she was going to extort would-be President Clinton. Something went awry in the transfer/copying process, obviously. Maybe she borrowed the village idiot's gross sticky laptop way back when (before the child endangerment thing came up) to make the transfer thinking no one would EVER touch that thing.

Trooper York said...

Actually they were Carlos Dangers insurance policy. In fact the word is he downloaded them into a file marked "life insurance."

I think we are going to get some interesting leaks in the next couple of days. From the NYPD. Disgruntled FEEBS. And from Weiner's lawyers.

If you strike at the Queen you have to kill her. Just sayn'

Amartel said...

The file was marked "life insurance"?

The Dude said...

And she is still alive, so Anthony better have his head on a swivel, lest it be on a pike.

Amartel said...

The Clinton family should have a flight booked for the later evening hours of 11/8, out of the country, maybe to Morocco, just in case.

Methadras said...

rcommal said...

How refreshing, that statement/observation/analysis is from the commenter who posted it.

This is why I keep paying attention to what people say, as I have from very earliest childhood unto this upcoming 56th year mile-marker. It's an important thing so to do.

I have zero clue what you are saying. Can you elaborate on what you mean. Is what I said refreshing in that you liked it, agreed with it, the fact that I said it? Some of the things I read from you gives me the distinct impression that you snuck out of your padded cell and made it to nurse ratchets computer for about 10 minutes of dissertation online only to sneak back to your padded cell as if nothing ever happened.

rcommal said...

There is no such thing as a mandate. If you win the presidency, that in effect is a mandate. You will then move your agenda forward and you will see who supports you and who doesn't. That doesn't preclude what most people would call a mandate. The notion of a mandate seems silly in the face of a win.

@methadras: What you wrote is refreshing to me because, in both my analysis and opinion, it is exactly, accurately on point. That *is* how it works, liked or not, preferred or not, whatever. I don't and haven't seen, over time, online, people acknowledging that reality much.

Shorter version, Methadras: You stated plain precisely the truth of it, IMO, which I appreciate.

rcommal said...

Going off topic (as did you, so this seems fair enough to me):

One, if not the, very first *mature* movies to which my parents took me in first release in movie theaters was "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Yes, I was a young teen at the time; yes, that was unusual for them; yes, it was unusual so to do at that time, then, in general, especially given that we weren't people living in major cities.

The #1 reason they did that: I had already read the book, of my own accord, a couple-so years before that, and they knew it on account of a whole bunch of questions I'd asked and topics I'd brought up. Etc.

rcommal said...

What convinced them to take me to the movie?

My notion of why Ken Kesey chose the name "Ratched" for the nurse.

rcommal said...

Look, just for the record, one of the reasons why I can't take it very seriously, why I have never been able to take it very seriously, when there are toss-off insults at me involving "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and the nurse therein is that in most cases, the insult-casters don't even get the nurse's spelled name right. In an earlier time, I thought that was on purpose (so, I thought it was a joke).

We are not in an earlier time.