Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Scientist Shoot at Himself Underwater to Prove a Point

Link to story


Methadras said...

This isn't science. This is Youtube stupidity. First of all if he had done his calculations like a real scientist would have, he would have calculated the the volumetric pressure of the water in the chamber of the barrel as a function when the bullet is fired, the amount of expanding gas, through the barrel pushing the water out at an approximate velocity, the bullet traveling through the cavitation at a specific velocity, then hitting the denser water at an approximate distance from the barrel at a specific velocity and calculating it's velocity decay as it travels through the water medium using it's speed, it's weight, etc. and he would have seen that the bullets would have gotten nowhere near him in the approximate location he was in.

The idea that he would breath a sigh of relief as if he was risking life and limb is ridiculous. Either he did the calculations, included a reasonable factor of safety as matter of the distance between him and the rifle, or he winged it and figured he has enough space to not get hit by the bullets. I don't understand his relief at the end though. He deliberately set out to do this, which tells me he really didn't put his life on the line for science, but page hits.

chickelit said...

Before clicking I thought he would have used a handgun pointed at his head. There was no "science" involved in this "experiment." A real experiment always risks failure.

It's what they'd call a "demonstrative exhibit" in law. If you learned something, good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ot: White boys in their 20s don't want to work.

bagoh20 said...

Calculate? You could forget to carry the 1 and be dead?

Just try it first without standing in front, which I'm sure he did.

William said...

The trick would be so much more impressive if he didn't do it underwater. He should try it on a really humid day.

bagoh20 said...

All gun-free zones should be underwater - for the children.

AllenS said...

Hold my scuba gear, and watch this.

Christy said...

Any bets on when gangbangers start having fun with this and get someone killed?

Christy said...

And didn't Robert Parker explain all this in one of the Spenser novels?