Friday, September 25, 2015

"Hillary Clinton certifies email handover, but aides demur"

"Acting in response to a request from a federal judge, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Friday submitted her first official, formal certification under penalty of perjury that she had all her work-related email turned over to the State Department."
However, two aides to Clinton appear to have rebuffed parallel requests from U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan that they similarly certify that they'd turned over certain emails and other records in their possession relating to their work at State...
State's decision to deem classified some of the emails on Clinton's server has also created a layer of complexity some may see as a Catch-22: if aides destroy the records, they could be seen as hindering ongoing investigations, but if they deliberately hang on to classified materials without authorization, they could be breaking the law.
Sullivan did not appear completely satisfied with the assurances in the latest round of letters, as he issued an order Friday night instructing State to ask Clinton, Mills and Abedin not to destroy any official records.
"The Court hereby directs the Government to request that Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Ms. Huma Abedin, and Ms. Cheryl Mills i) not delete any federal documents, electronic or otherwise, in their possession or control, and ii) provide appropriate assurances to the Government that the above-named individuals will not delete any such documents," wrote Sullivan, an appointee of President Bill Clinton. "The Government shall inform the Court of the status of its compliance with this Order no later than August 12, 2015, including a copy of any assurances provided by Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills that they will not delete any federal documents in their possession or control."
What a mess.


john said...

When Mrs Clinton said she wiped the server, who was she speaking to?

Maybe she should check out some of these handy tips.

KCFleming said...

I wonder what the Pope thinks about this.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hillary doesn't care about security or classified information. What she needs to keep hidden and secret IS documented proof of all the quid-pro-quo Clinton Foundation deals. That stuff is gone. Sure, The Benghazi stuff will more than likely shed light on her incompetence and be embarrassing. She's a sociopath. She loves playing with fire, getting caught, lying and cackling like none of it matters.

edutcher said...

Keep it up, girls.

You're doing the country a world of good.

AprilApple said...

Hillary doesn't care about security or classified information. What she needs to keep hidden and secret IS documented proof of all the quid-pro-quo Clinton Foundation deals. That stuff is gone.

Funny how any time somebody says it's gone, it magically turns up.

Maybe in Moscow or Peking, but it turns up.