Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Open Thread

Sometime yesterday afternoon.

Talk about whatever is on your mind.


ricpic said...

Why aren't whites rioting in Roanoke?

Methadras said...

because feels

AllenS said...

Wait until they get off of work.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Too popped to loot.

Trooper York said...

What do you have when two journalists are shot dead?

Trooper York said...

A good start.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Dead air?

You are the worst ... LOL

Trooper York said...

The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.

windbag said...

So, according to current journalistic standards, the life of the black guy matters more than the life of the two white people he killed, right? Have the NYT and Huffington provided us with the proper ratio of white deaths to black deaths so we know how to react properly to news like this?

Rabel said...

Black, gay, journalist, California raised Jehovah's Witness. Seems like a bad combination somehow. I don't even have a stereotype in my head that I can apply to the situation. On the bright side, there can't be many more exactly like him.

We should find 'em and round 'em up.

Chip Ahoy said...

I've been living on cheese breadsticks.

I can't believe I landed on the secret to cheese breadstick happiness.

These cheese breadsticks are better than the ones that impressed me so well at a restaurant. They're better than any cheese cracker. Take any cheese cracker, like little cheese fish, my breadsticks are better.

It's the same as any cracker dough except with yeast and not baking powder.
The dough is stiff and that runs counter to usual bread that is loose and wet.
The size should be thin as possible, thin as a pencil. That's the best width.
Children can roll the dough into worms.
Very long worms thin as pencils. The longer, the more even, the better. Or they break.
Oddly, less cheese is better.
Butter, olive oil, margarine, bacon grease, your favorite oil, any fat or oil will work.
No first rising necessary, possible to get right to it. Roll as putty.
No kneading necessary, rolling into worm shape does that sufficiently.
No freaking out about rising as usual with bread, the dough is so stiff, it puffs, bake, and it puffs more. They end up thicker than pencils.
You can nibble on them all day long.
1 Cup + 1/2 Cup flour made 3 days worth of nibbling cheese breadsticks. I'm sad now that they're gone.

Water is crispier than milk, but hey, this has cheese in it so that counters the objective. 1/4 cup olive oil and the same amount of cheese is very nice. Salt, of course, and paprika for a bit of orange and smoky-depth if you like.

1 Teaspoon yeast and enough warm water 3/4 Cup to form a stiff dough like Play-Doh.

Bake 12 minutes at 375F Then again all together as a large batch as the oven cools, to make crisp by drying completely without baking. That's what makes them so melt-in-your-mouth fantastic.

The ones that I show on my site are twice as fat as the ones that are even more excellent. Those taught me to go thinner. The third trial was the best and the easiest. At this point I just toss things together carelessly. And each time I do I keep thinking children would have a great time helping. They love stuff like that.

Then they eat them!


Getting them that thin evenly is not so easy to do. They tend to go pinched super thin in a weak area and break.

Honestly, the easiest most wonderfully successful thing I ever discovered and ever suggested for others to try.

XRay said...

Well, here's a radical idea, Lem. Considering you were stuck at Dunking Donuts the other day. Let all the commenters here, even Ritmo, have posting privileges. A responsible group, for the most part, I think, yes, even Ritmo. If it gets crazy then dial it back. We'd think none the less of you.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The door has always been open now that you mention it.

If anyone wants to post let me know via email and I will consider it. I won't be able to add you as a contributor right away.

I should have strong internet connection by Saturday however.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Thanks XRay

ndspinelli said...

A couple of the Hmong farmers I buy produce from have a lot of those long, light purple eggplants that look like dildos. They are bountiful and cheap. Can anyone compare and contrast these to the classic dark eggplant?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Those eggplants are good for stuffing...

I mean cut down the side and stuff with peppers, shallots and such!

ndspinelli said...

Thanks, Evi.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


What else is going on?

AllenS said...

I'm getting together with people I went to high school this afternoon. Won't be back until tomorrow.

ricpic said...

Re: Chip living on cheese breadsticks: I read somewhere that Frank Sinatra lived on nothing but pasta, lightly coated in olive oil and topped with grated cheese, parmesan or romano, and that this diet continued until he keeled over and had to be hospitalized. A word to the wise.......

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Nice AllenS

Enjoy yourself 😀

AllenS said...

Lem, did you just get braces? I can tell by your smile.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


AllenS said...

I knew it.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Rush mentioned a column in the New Republic What if Stalin had the computers we have today.


What if Hitler had the computers we have today.

What the heck are they teaching in schools today?

Trooper York said...

If Hitler had computers then J-Date wouldn't exist.

Ashley Madison might still be around though. You never know.

bagoh20 said...

The new attack meme being trotted out is that Trump is getting all the right wing wacko support. The racists, the gun nuts, the nativists, the guys with binders of women and those with a less than impressive pants crease. Nobody wants to be associated with any of that, except that more do than want associated with anyone else running.

Conservatives are a tough crowd. It's hard to lead a pack of honey badgers, they just won't form into a herd.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Rush made a good point about Ramos I hadn't thought of.

Who does Ramos work for? A Spanish speaking network.

It's in the bottom line interest of Univision to keep a steady influx of Spanish speaking eyeballs... Wait eyeballs don't speak do they? Unless you're a hiperfemenist who melts when men look at them ;)

ricpic said...

"The new attack meme....that Trump is getting...the racists, the gun nuts, the nativists...."

It's always a good idea not to forget who is behind the attack. The Left is hellbent on fundamental transformation. Which is happening - you ought to know living in California - by way of the invasion of a huge cohort of radically culturally and racially different people. Considering the Left's goal - the end of America as I have known it - the slurs against Trump and his supporters, myself included, should be taken as a badge of honor.

Amartel said...

"Nobody wants to be associated with any of that, except that more do than want associated with anyone else running."

Exactly. Also, Trump the Teflon Don/Democrat is totally entertaining and annoys all the right people. Like, Every. Last. One. Of. Them. Which is entertaining.

Trump supporters: The old stupid voter is the new right wing nut wacko angry gun nut racist woman-hater voter. Or all of the above. Whatever works, y'all!

The establishment/pollsters/media/politicians/pundits just cannot seem to figure this one out; a real head-scratcher, all this rage when everything's going so well! Which is bull. They know very well that Trump support is anti-establishment, anti-rube, anti-hypocrite, anti-liar, anti-THEM, and pro-hope and change (the real deal).

Amartel said...

Is that a Dunkin Donuts store?
Flashback: Time to make the donuts

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Conservatives are a tough crowd. It's hard to lead a pack of honey badgers, they just won't form into a herd.

Loool. true.

Trump supporters are like Perot supporters. I remember the rabies-like blind faith emotion back then. I am relieved to find out Trump might not run 3rd party if he doesn't win the nomination - which bumps him up a bit.

Amartel said...

AA - I don't see "blind faith" in Trump supporters. Emotion, yes, but any campaign is going to draft off emotion. Dems manufacture emotion by dividing people against each other and fueling resentment. Trump's emotion also comes from an us v. them but the division is entirely the work of the GOP establishment's ongoing campaign to hoodwink the electorate, tell us just enough to keep us voting then do what's expedient for the GOP big donor class whilst managing our lowered expectations. Do Trump supporters have "blind faith" in the man? If so, I'm not seeing it. This is still early days. The Dems don't even have a viable candidate in the race yet. So at this point, Trump support = whip up on the GOP establishment and maybe drop a few clues on the conservative GOP candidates about how to run a successful campaign.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Blind faith is when a Trump supporter births a cow after hearing the tiny-ist criticism of their master.

Amartel - I don't disagree. I too am sick to death of the GOP's non stop spineless milquetoast pez-dispenser focus-grouped safety dance. I keep one foot in the skepticism door when it comes to Trump.

ndspinelli said...

Trump claims to be the anti-politician but he bullshits just like all pols, just w/ less PC and more brashly.

When Dylan Roof killed out of hate it was "RACISM, HATE, CONFEDERATE FLAG, WHITE SUPREMACY, GUNS, WHITE PRIVILEGE. Everyone knew Dylan Roofs name Vester Flanagan kills white people w/ the same hate as Roof, you don't even hear his name. All you hear is GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! It's like a magic gun killed these people.

Amartel said...

Same here. Safety dance. I like it! That's the perfect description of (and background music for) a Republican candidate debate. Now that's all I'll hear playing in my head during the next debate.