Saturday, June 6, 2015

Michelle Malkin

Ace of Spades HQ podcast interview with Ace, and Drew. I like this a lot. Michelle purportedly pimping her book about who made what in America and the stories behind American inventions, a positive book that deviates from her usual faster books about politics but her conversation with the podcast crew is about current affairs, a departure far and away from the positive tone her book and that becomes the joke repeated near the end. "So you say your book is positive." "Oh yes!" She always does give a good interview. This is the first I heard her in conversation with friendly forces.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Her book is the opposite of "you didn't build that".

See, ordinary people did build that.

Chip Ahoy said...

Exactly. That's what got her going. She tells the story of how that pissed her off. I enjoyed listening to her talk without being challenged or needing to defend her position on every little fine point. The banter is fun.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How a political figure can say to its people "you didn't build that" and still operate as a functioning leader not laughed off the stage is astonishing.

Hillary said "you didn't build that" as well. These words come out of mouths that never worked an honest day ever. People who pocket millions off of the political process, and then have the audacity to say "you didn't built that", disgust me.

Malkin is awesome. thanks for the tip gonna get the book.