Sunday, May 24, 2015

Big Bang Theory

Without laugh track.


Chip Ahoy said...

I saw this show last night, the perfect soporific, why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? zzzzzzzz.

And when I woke up I was better. The hacking cough subsided, the headache gone, blessed normality. Man, that Zantac really worked POW kicked that thing right out. When I opened the box I expected pills but it turns out to be nose swabs. You break them open and smear it inside your nose, I suppose, didn't read the thing, just did it, and it worked.

Maybe I was supposed to smear my butt, I don't know. Under the tongue. It could be. Or ear. Nose seemed logical so that's where it was smeared. But should it be one per nostril or is that going overboard? I made my nostrils share it. And I'm all, eeeew, this thing was already in the other nostril, gross. But just smear it all around up in there and it affected immediately whatever unsightly battle was going on.

Conclusion: Zantac, recommended. It needn't be gross like I did.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Now I'm embarrassed for ever liking the show. lame.

chickelit said...

That is the deafening silence that only the screenwriter hears and fears.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I've never been able to like this show.

The laugh track is obnoxious. The jokes are not even funny....even with a laugh track and less so without.

The concept could have been good, but they took it to a retarded level. I'd rather watch paint dry.

If you want FUNNY, watch some Carol Burnette show reruns on youtube.

Methadras said...

It's the pauses in between the punch lines that are disturbing. However, I believe BBT is shot in front of a live studio audience.

DBQ, I love this show. DON'T KILL MY HEART!!!