Obama giftwraps another soundbite for Republicans
I didn't think so. But I did think this.
On the right side of minimum wage
On the right side of fair pay
On the right side of rebuilding our infrastructure
Right side of early childhood education
So this isn't about, uh, my feelings being hurt, but, these are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me.
That there's what you call rhetorical conduplicatio, the anaphora type. Where to start, the arrogance of the construction "the right side of ____ ? "
My least favorite one of those is "history," the right side of history. How arrogant, I thought whenever I heard that. Because you're surfing the wave of history not making history by your morally unmoored surfing pulled by speeding amphibious bandwagon. I don't hear it so much anymore. The locution sounds anachronistic.
The man speaks in axioms. The axioms are lined up as a drunk bellied up to a bar ruminates all his grievances, condensing to irrefutable nuggets, lining up his axioms, delivering them all at once in an organized spew.
Once I asked a relative who came home and delivered such a spew directly to me, "Is that what you do, drink through the afternoon thinking about all the things that make your life miserable? "
"I'm going to bed."
Start at the end of the president's rhetorical waxing, with the fallacy of the conceit of early childhood education having any educational benefit whatsoever beyond babysitting and freeing up working single mothers from expensive daycare. Not by my lights, mind, I figured preschool would be helpful. Why not? I heard good things, one time from Woopie Goldberg, she said it was helpful to her as unwed mother. Unfortunately, government reports say otherwise. If you want to demand childcare help for unwed mothers you must admit government policies, your policies, damaged their prospects.
The right side of fair pay. Please. Does this horsewhipped trope still work on people? All one has to do is observe Mick Rowe on mute for thirty minutes to realize there are some jobs so crap that women will flatly not take them up. And for other reasons besides this subject is completely abused. Also, check your own payroll.
Rebuilding infrastructure. He has GOT to be kidding us, been there did that, does the man imagine our memories so short? "Shovel ready jobs," jokes about shovel ready jobs not being so ready, doled out on the basis of balancing the burly-man ratio, mustn't be unfair to girly-men and girly-girls. Payouts to political supporters for bogus energy projects, a gigantic scam among the politically connected right here in my state.
Finally, the beginning, I will not listen to another thing until the man completes a college level economics course. Two courses. Here's the thing about macro economics vs. micro economics. Apologies, you likely know this, it is common knowledge but sometimes the simple things fall through the cracks.
A micro economics 101 course will introduce the eager student to various economic models that describe one little portion of the economic board at a time, if the board were a game board then each theory and model (always with its own graph) explains what happens to individual companies when faced with various challenges. Models gauge environmental changes such as supply and demand and taxes, laws and regulations. Never the whole picture, just one little piece at a time.
A macro economics 101 course will introduce the student to what happens when government enacts policies of quantitative easing that buy back short term bonds to exhaustion and then buys back longterm bonds but not to lower interest rates for they can be lowered no further, but rather to increase the money supply, that is to ensure that growth continues to appear on paper, that inflation is steady to counter recession, deflation, stagnation, but inflated nonetheless so that now people need more of it to buy the usual steady things like fuel, energy and food, and many citizens now must have two part-time jobs, sometimes three, to pay for the things they need to persist with their new air-inflated money so that generally across the land the essential meaning of "minimum wage" is completely eradicated and replaced with a new term "living wage" with a new meaning. No longer is minimum wage segue into the workforce, it must fulfill the basics of living in a new age of puffed up currency. Of course, it must, the administration's policies made it so. Before demanding Republicans acknowledge "the right side" of minimum wage the Democrats must acknowledge government's role in completely jacking its own economy so that wage minimum change becomes necessary. The president is admitting, "I jacked the economy so badly Republicans must now cooperate to increase minimum wage to living wage." Or he can skip the basic economic courses altogether that everyone else takes that explicate in graphs what happens to companies when government jacks its economy this way and that, and wave his cracking wand at Republicans instead, Prince.
Econometrics is like considering the economic board as a balance board laden with glasses of water each standing for an economic sector, an economic consideration. The government stands with a pitcher of water in one hand and a turkey baster in the other pouring water into glasses and siphoning others while the econometrics students measure the tilt of the board. In its present state the whole board gone thud solidly stuck over to the left.
Steve Sailer long ago decoded the "early education" BS.
It's an ass backward acknowledgement that the single mom black household is toxic.
Get the black babies out of that shit and into the hands of nice whit ladies.
That's what it's all about.
But but but...the messiah couldn't find the shovels to do infrastructure. It was the Republicans...they hid the shovels! Those meanies.
That would be "white" ladies, not "whit" ladies...
I think....
Excellent post. Sadly, we have so many low-information voters to whom this makes sense.
As for Obama, just wait till the mid-terms are over and he's no longer accountable.
It'll be a bumpy 2 years.
The last Demo to talk about what side of history they were on was Christopher Dodd (Friend of Angelo), who once told us that, by opposing the spread of communism in Africa, we were on the wrong side of history.
Chip I'd like to see every recipient of govt largesse get a 1099 so we could track how much we give by social security number and by zip code. I think it woud open a lot of eyes when we see that Joe Blow from N. Philly got total govt benefits of $45,000 and the residents of Philly's Swampoodle zip code got a bazillion in govt benefits when we thought they were destitute.
The 1099 would not need to be taxable so I would call it IRS Form 1099NT [and yes I must be nuts to think the IRS really needs another frigging form].
[Like Lem's Levity really needs word verification?]
My relatives who were exulting over Obama a few years ago in their Facebook posts, and then defending him stridently after that, have all gone silent.
Not a single peep.
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