Saturday, December 16, 2017

MSNBC Anchor Loses Net Neutrality Debate With Former FCC Commissioner

Via Daily Caller


AllenS said...

That was some pretty good action.

William said...

My relentless pursuit of the Higg's boson doesn't leave me enough time to properly understand the implications of net neutrality. Still, I did watch this excerpt. I noted that the man being interviewed was better looking and more poised and knowledgeable about the subject than the interviewer, and thus he was more persuasive. I always believe in the judgment and wisdom of the better looking person in any confrontation. Who can doubt the moral grandeur of Matt Lauer. Before he went bald, he was very good looking and nearly always right about everything. It's very rare that you see an attractive interviewee who's better looking and more confident in his delivery than the tv personality who is interviewing him.

Chip Ahoy said...

I'd like to tell you something else contrary to what I just said.

There are other people like this man who for some reason are important to me. Even though they're stinking rip assholes. The political conversations I can relate are outrageous. Like this video.

One such I wrote off. He was always annoying this same way but less important to my life. Our friendship was held together by his effort, not mine.

Even after I wrote him off he continued to keep contact. There were too many great things that happened to just say, okay fine, just fuck this whole thing then. Go vote for your Democrat because you are Democrat. I don't need any friends so stupid as to swear allegiance to such an unworthy agency as a political party. Talk to the hand.

He didn't accept that.

So he wrote and he dropped in once in awhile.

And just yesterday I thought, you know what, that type of background friendship is honorable. I suppose. I should respect that because it shows effort extended to me. How can I express no hard feeling even though I'm better off not draining I.Q. points by propinquity to you and your pals?

I recalled a conversation where I handed him the last beer that another friend made by a certificate I bought him for brewing lessons downstairs. That turned out to be a blast. I told this second friend where this beer came from and he showed surprising deep interest. He kept interrogating me on specifics. So yesterday I went downstairs and bought another certificate for brewing classes and mailed with a pamphlet. And that, with a letter explaining the dealio, was an ersatz Christmas card. It's downstairs now waiting to be picked up.

This certificate is something he'll share. He's not an individualist type. And when he and his friends show up they'll undoubtedly call me to come downstairs and join them.

So then, even though so much of life is like this pathetic MSNBC interview, all is not hopeless. There's always some thin hair of salvation. Something for one's soul to clasp onto.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The left is one giant lie machine. It is. the whole thing is a pile of Moulitsas asswipe lies.

bagoh20 said...

When you get "I don't want to talk about this anymore." after just a few minutes of argument, it's the equivalent of crushing your enemies, see them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women. Of course this dope has no women.