Monday, November 20, 2017

The art of the insult

Mark Tapson begins his piece on Front Page Magazine about a new documentary by Joel Gilbert titled Trump: the Art of the Insult by stating it's been a full year since Trump was elected and the left is still trying to comprehend what happened. How did matriarch of the Clinton crime syndicate riding the promise of an historic victory as the country's first female president lose the White House to a brash and rude and unprepared by focus group TV mogul with no political experience. They were convinced that Trump was the single Republican candidate that Hillary couldn't possibly lose to. And that turned out to be exactly wrong. Trump was the single Republican candidate who could possibly prevail.

Cute, isn't it? So cynical it's blistering. First American black president, who could vote against that? Only a racist could. Followed so naturally by first American female president that you can actually say "it's her turn" without a trace of surface guile. You can actually say that and actually believe that and actually expect everyone else to believe that's all there is to it. Simple as that. And who can vote against such historic and natural sequence of events except for a misogynist.

The filmmaker compiled ninety minutes of campaign and interview footage of Donald Trump mowing down the entire political landscape cutting the knees off of Republican candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to stunning upset victory.

And it's exceedingly messy.

There is no narration. Just footage of Trump speaking with no political filter hurling aspersions at opponents unaccustomed to dealing with opponents on that level of discourse. Including the media interviewers. One after another in series we saw journalists approach Trump with a pie in their hands to smash in Trump's face and then we saw Trump dismiss them rudely and turn the attack and smash their own pie right back on them. Splat. And we saw them stand or sit there stunned at what just happened to them, their ever so finely burnished professional image smeared in custard and broken pie shell. It's no wonder they all hate him to their core. He destroyed them on the way to office and they're still destroyed spinning their broken down wheels trying to get traction while sensible people no longer bother watching, not giving them any attention. Their onetime viewers already cut their cable, they click past all news networks. Truly, they've moved on.

Mark Tapson continues reviewing more details of the lain wasted American political landscape in Trump's wake getting to this preview, all review actually, of Joel Gilbert's documentary film.

That's fun.

But so what.

We've seen it all before. Many times. It's just so much fun seeing it all again crunched together like that. It feeds the joy in my heart that the rot in our captive system is steadily being cleared out. Similar to Conan the Barbarian except this is real as Genghis Khan. We really are seeing our country's enemies within and without crushed and driven before us and hearing the lamentation of their women.

[The Genghis Khan quote has several versions online that go something like this: The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy and drive him before you. To see his cities reduced to ashes. To see those who love him shrouded and in tears. And to gather to your bosom his wives and his daughters.]

That's what it feels like.

That's fun but too short. How difficult could it have been to gather this footage for a 90 minute documentary? We've all seen every single scene. Repeatedly. Who would this movie be for? Judging by the preview (review) it cannot possibly have anything new.

I realized watching them all crammed together that Trump is actually the best natural comedian that I've seen in a decade. Whereas all the nationally recognized so-called comedians that have their own late-night shows are clicked right through, not given a single second of attention, and actually resented when brought to my attention by YouTube trending, or any blog in my tranche that I allow specifically to weed out leftist propaganda, Trump actually cracks me up with his expressions, his mannerisms, his plastic facial expressions. He's genuinely funnier than all of the rest collectively. Their politicization of humor falls dead and flat and tattered while Trump's humorization of politics is hilarious.

When this video is finished YouTube displays an array of recommendations. The one in the bottom left corner that shows "Absolute Best" when you run your mouse arrow over it, is the same thing except 35 minutes long. It has all the same scenes as the documentary preview (review) and a lot more. And we've already seen all of that too. It's all review. And it's all fantastic.

When it finished I was exhausted. I realized Trump has 10X more energy than I do. It's embarrassing. When Trump talks about low energy Jeb, he's also talking about me. When he talks about Ben Carson being even more low energy, I sympathize with Ben Carson, because I am even lower energy than he is. When Trump talks about Hillary Clinton giving a 15 minute speech then taking a nap, I too fall asleep. I hate myself for being so low energy but I just am. And the old man Trump puts me to shame. He's a maniac.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas, where right wingers commentariat call her Fauxahantas. 

Perhaps these name-calling videos are not your cup of tea.

These videos do not mention, cannot mention, that Trump just now shut down Elizabeth Warren's most malevolent achievement and it's driving her insane with rage. She had this one bagged. And it takes someone like Trump to destroy her greatest leftist unAmerican achievement.

With herself in mind for the position of Director, Elizabeth Warren refashioned the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to be autonomous from U.S. government, free of government oversight, beyond control of Congress and separate from presidential control or interference. The president would be able to fire the Director but only for cause. Elizabeth Warren redesigned Consumer Financial Protection Bureau such that the Director, herself, would wield complete financial control of the entire country, as czar, and to be untouchable by anyone or any portion of government.

Elizabeth wanted herself to be Director of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,  she wanted to have complete control. And she wanted to be untouchable. And she very nearly achieved it. That is one wild grasping woman right there.

When you look back over Elizabeth Warren's career, what she did and how she did it, and the obsession that carried her though it all, if anything you must be impressed. In the way that one is impressed with Rasputin, having come so far from nowhere through such means of positioning herself along the currents of power, money and influence. And by being so capable.

The Consumer Financial Protection Director has the power to regulate pensions, mortgages, bank loans, retirement investment, credit cards, basically, every aspect of consumer financial transactions. 

Elizabeth Warren couldn't pass Senate confirmation so she was forced to drop out. Obama appointed Richard Cordray in her place.

Too bad for Elizabeth Warren that she couldn't isolate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from American courts. And she, a law professor.

Later, due to legal challenges by Credit Unions and mortgage providers the DC Circuit court of Appeals ruled that such power placed in a single individual is unconstitutional. 

Later Trump's people were positioned to use the power of the CFPB Director to eliminate himself, and that's what they're doing. Faced with insurmountable legal challenges and unhappy with turn of events Obama's CFPB Director, Richard Cordray, resigned. President Trump appointed OMB Director, Mick Mulvaney as interim head of the agency with no rush for permanent replacement. Until a permanent replacement is found Mulvaney will hold both positions. 

Mulvaney opposed the creation of the CFPB and all it can do. He described it as "one of the most offensive concepts in the U.S. government. A sad, sick joke."

So now Trump has in place a person who can be relied upon to take apart Elizabeth Warren's plan to control all U.S. financial transactions by fiat.

Good enough, and cause for real celebration.

But wait, there's more.

This disassembling of Elizabeth Warrens construction is just a part of Trump strategy to create a financial market for smaller banks and credit unions that is secondary to the too big to fail conglomerates.

A result of Dodd-Frank was to have large banks hold more in reserve as protection. To do that they consolidated to even larger banks and fewer of them. So now instead of a few too-large to fail financial institutions, we have even fewer much larger, far too large to fail institutions that cannot serve small businesses with loans because they're required to hold so much in reserve for liquidity. 

Trump and Secretary Mnuchin are working on a parallel financial community of banks and credit unions that are smaller and not subject to Dodd-Frank legislation that will be able to service small and mid-sized businesses.


ricpic said...

Democrats were blindsided for the obvious reason that they and their propaganda arm MSM are completely out of touch with the extreme disaffection of the great body of the American People, who have been told in no uncertain terms and with great schadenfreude that this country is no longer their country. Trump was and is payback. It's that simple. And that simple is still beyond the understanding of our "betters" in both parties, in Harvard Yard, in Hollywood.

edutcher said...

It was the message, not the punchlines.

They still don't get it.