Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mayo says best if used by Mayo

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ndspinelli said...

Generally, It's Hellman's if east of the Mississippi and Best Foods, like you see here, west of the Great River.

ndspinelli said...

Best is used on Virginia Mayo's titties.

windbag said...

Duke's is popular in the South. I've heard parents tell their kids it's white ketchup to get them to eat it. Clever. The health department says that it isn't necessary to store mayo in the refrigerator. I want to go to their houses and see where they keep theirs. Gov't. is always ready with bad advice.

Chip Ahoy said...

The other jar says:
Use by quatro de cinco.

We can fix that mayo. Dump half a tin of mustard powder and a couple smashed anchovies packed in oil. BOOM vastly improved mayo just like that.

Filament Jacques:

I just now realized the internet can help me in an unexpected way. I saw a man use a sign that I did not recognize so I asked Misses Internet, for my internet is female,
[asl, g on palm]

And I was shown two.

If the palm is held upward and the g smacked on it, then it means "grade"

but it wasn't held flat.

If the palm is held vertically then it means "negative," it's not really a g, it's a negative sign that looks very much like a g.

*claps* and that fills me with glee that my question is answered so deftly. Good show, Misses Internet, good show.

Trek into Darkness is showing.

The hosts of the show are adorable.

The young gent is pretending to be Vulcan, but with ordinary human ears.

He says, "If you are enjoying the show it's logical to purchase the DVD so that you can enjoy it again as many times and whenever you like."

So cute. But illogical.

As Vulcan there is no emotion such as enjoyment, and having seen it once there is nothing to gain from seeing it again. Fail.

But that takes nothing away from the cuteness.

Benedict Cumberbatch looks like an otter.

And it's not just me thinking that either. [benedict cumberbatch, otter]

The Dude said...

Duke's, FTW!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Mayo expired 917 AD - throw it out!