Friday, April 8, 2016

On the Panama Papers

"...A libertarian of my acquaintance wrote to inquire whether this is going to sour people on global capitalism.
It shouldn’t. What we’ve seen from the papers so far is not so much an indictment of global capitalism as an indictment of countries that have weak institutions and a lot of corruption. And for all the outrage in the United States, so far the message for us is pretty reassuring: We aren’t one of those countries.
Consider the big names that have shown up so far on the list. With the notable exception of Iceland, these are not countries I would describe as “capitalist”: Russia, Pakistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Egypt.  They’re countries where kleptocratic government officials amass money not through commerce, but through quasi-legal extortion, or siphoning off the till. This is an activity that has gone on long before capitalism, and probably before there was money. Presenting this as an indictment of global capitalism is like presenting Romeo and Juliet as an after school special on the dangers of playing with knives.
...For that matter, even foreigners who are trying to hide their names might not be doing so for entirely unsavory reasons. People living under unstable regimes may have very good reasons to want to move assets outside the country; Jews in 1930s Germany did not put money in Swiss accounts because they were trying to lower their tax bill, but because they were trying to ensure that they would have enough set aside to flee the genocidal maniac ruling their country.
...What we seem to have learned from the documents so far is that this particular sort of corruption isn’t a big local problem for the U.S. We do of course have some law breakers, because there is no such thing as a law that won’t be broken. But it seems to be a minor, furtive thing, rather than the mass habit you see in parts of the developing world. The IRS is very good at finding offshore tax cheats, and getting better all the time. I am confident that if U.S. scofflaws should be revealed by these documents, the tax authorities will waste no time ensuring that they get what is coming to them.
Other governments may fail to enforce their laws, perhaps because the named figures sort of are the local government. That is a big problem. But that doesn’t mean that it’s our problem. Global capitalism didn’t create the issues plaguing weak states. And global anti-capitalism won’t fix them, either.


ndspinelli said...

I wonder if Noriega had any laundered money?

edutcher said...

One of those corporations does business with one of Hillary's bundlers.

Still think we aren’t one of those countries?

Methadras said...

All the Panama Papers do for me at least is highlight the utter facile and fraudulent nature of socialism/communism.

Chip Ahoy said...

Americans are a major source of offshore money. The Bank of Switzerland scandal exposed 20,000 American accounts. We consider it perfectly legal to stash funds in Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands. America itself is becoming a major tax haven for offshore funds facilitated by American financiers and lawyers. Plus Americans are still being investigated in the Panama records.

Collectively, we're worst of them all.

This is how our administration fights dirty against "the folks" they don't like. They know everything all along and peel back an edge to expose a damaging portion just so. *Urkel voice* "Did aaaah do tha-yet?"

deborah said...

Gang, so McArdle is incorrect? I kinda wondered, remembering that time I posted about Apple having zillions in cash overseas.

ampersand said...

There was an old Avenger's episode,with Honore Blackman, when the super secret spies were going after Ambergris smugglers. Ambergris is Sperm whale vomit used in the perfume industry. It's like WTH?, is there nothing the government won't stick their nose in?

A great TV show would have a secret federal agency ruining someone's life week after week over trivial matters. Every episode would have the week's guest perp have their dog or children shot in addition to being raked over the coals. It's not like there isn't a ton of real life examples to dramatize.

(btw I filed my taxes today)

deborah said...

lol that makes your post make perfect sense.


Rolling the The Panama Papers

With so many investigations and so many threads to unravel, there's a lot to take in...

Therefore I will be tracking the Panama Papers story in the comments