Friday, February 12, 2016

Red Heads are just trouble

Kitty Russell: Matt, you can't account for everything that happens to people who touch you. You know, I learned a long time ago, there are some things in this life that you just accept the way they are.
U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon: That's pretty deep for a redhead. 
Kitty Russell: I'm a pretty deep redhead. 
U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon: Good to know. Next time I will tie a plank across my ass so I won't fall in. 
Dr. Galen 'Doc' Adams: I hear that's how they got John Wesley Hardin.
(Gunsmoke, Directors Cut 1955)


ricpic said...

The future, Mr. Gittes, the future!

ricpic said...

Let's face it, all men have a fear of falling in.

I mean not John Wayne. All other men. Not The Duke. Jeezus that was close.

ricpic said...

Vagina dentata is another universal male fear.

Except The Duke. Goes without saying.

Methadras said...

I used to call it like it was throwing a hotdog in a hallway, but now it's like driving a bus through it.

rcommal said...

The speech [which speech first turned me against the Clinton "thang"]:

Never voted for a Clinton, btw, tbc.