Thursday, December 17, 2015

CODA Brothers, what deaf people love about interpreters

CODA means child of deaf adult but I think only the guy in the brown shirt is deaf. I'm not sure.   

This video received a lot of comments on YouTube for this sort of thing. Over three hundred. I notice people did not catch on to what they're doing at first. Surprising. That's because their humor is first rate and so kind hearted and gentle. 

Now honestly, the first clue is the word "love" in caps in the title. It's one of two things, either effusive or sarcastic. The second clue is their first suggestion that loud shirts are welcome. Every interpreter knows otherwise, loud clothes and jewelry, tattoos, arms hairy as a gorilla, nose and lip piercings, broad diamond studded Rolex watches are all distracting. Hearing and seeing them say otherwise is clearly a joke. 

Sarcastic, the tip of the nose, two "tease, joke, bull horns" jerk past each other.

1 comment:

AllenS said...

Back in the late 1960s, myself and my friend John had a deaf (had to make a correction to the previous word "dead") friend. Of course John and I tried to learn how to sign, and our deaf friend would teach us words instead of spelling the word out every time. Every once in a while our deaf friend would "talk" too fast, and John and I would look at each other and say "he's not doing it right".