Sunday, May 10, 2015

What are you Ted Cruz... ¡En español!

Link, in case video has a problem


AllenS said...

Hey, Cruz! When you get one of those Cuban cigars in your hand, do you think about sticking it in an intern?

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Hey Cruz! did you open a private e-mail account, smooz with the Castro brothers, then deposit millions from them for a gold mine/Uranium deal for your bother?

Michael Haz said...

I don't recall Halperin asking Barack Obama to sing Mr. Bojangles to prove that he is actually black.

Methadras said...

Leftists love to showcase their racism and call it journalism.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I speak only for myself when I say I think I might rather enjoy watching Elizabeth Warren do a rain dance.

Trooper York said...

Forget that.

She is old enough to have given Meriwether Lewis a blow job.

lemondog said...

I don't recall Halperin asking Barack Obama to sing Mr. Bojangles to prove that he is actually black.

But he did say...

Chip Ahoy said...

Whenever I hear the name Mark Halprin I think of the author of A Winter's Tale. And not the partisan journalist who tries and succeeds at distorting the news.

The author Mark Halprin distorted the history of the city of New York and the whole area so fantastically, so beautifully and imaginatively that you don't mind going along with the dream. You can tell that he truly does love the city and in writing about it he doesn't mind mind describing its history in unbelievable and fantastic terms, flying horses, meglonewspaper wealth, long dreamy bridges, life in swamps, established families, gangs and ice all the way through.

And I loaned the book to one of two very book-unreliable ladies both had already disappeared books and I forget which one disappeared A Winter's Tale and both of them deny having it. I was quite cross with that one because I wanted to have it. Cuntymints! Another book gone! And a good one too. And that told me just forget it. Any book given to these two birds is gone forever. Flat gone. "Would you like to read this?" Means, "Here have yourself a book." And these are the facts I must live with. So from then on after that realization, it's "Here, have a book" and everything works out just fine. I learned a new thing. Just give people books and don't ever expect them back. And you know what? They turned out to be a lot of fun. I had doubles of several pop-up books, gifts, mistakes, reprinting with different covers, what have you, so gave them away. The feedback I received from those books was touching. A Christian lady was deeply moved with her copy of In The Beginning with its stained glass cathedrals and Christian art (and way too many words) and another lady who is not one of the two book-unreliables told me her son took his copy of Gods and Heroes to school for show and tell. She told me was amazed with the book and it became his favorite thing.

"Better than the gyroscope?"


"Better than the prism?"

"Yes." He sleeps with the book and thinks it's amazing.

So who knew? They're just books.

That's the Mark Halprin I think of with each mention, the interesting one, not this racist partisan twat.

Amartel said...

Halperin doesn't see Ted Cruz as a member of a particular race or ethnicity so, to Halperin, this isn't racism.

Amartel said...

To Halperin, and other oblivious lefties, Ted Cruz and conservatives in general are barely even members of the human race, and as such not due even passing fairness and civility. If Cruz had spoken Spanish they would have critiqued his accent like they used to do with Bush. Conservatives are the AntiChrist in the Religion of the State.

Amartel said...

Mark Halperin Interviews a Conservative

ricpic said...

Cruz has that suspect European blood in his veins!

Leland said...

ricpic, yeah, Halperin probably noted Cruz may have that one drop, thus needed to prove his purity.

Michael Haz said...

If I was Ted Cruz, I would have replied "Mr. Halperin, would you please repeat the question in Yiddish?"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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