Sunday, August 3, 2014

Evan Sayet: "How Liberals Reach the Tops of Their Professions"

Evan Sayet said...
Of course that's what I meant. Liberals tend to DOMINATE -- so, yes, of course, there are non-Leftists in these industries, too -- the industries where RHETORIC is the entirety of their production. The entertainment industry is OBVIOUSLY dominated by Liberals as is journalism. What do these people DO for a living? They TALK. And when all you do is talk you don't have to be right, you only have to be clever. The fireman has to be RIGHT because if he's wrong he gets injured. Bruce Springsteen singing a song about what he thinks it might feel like if he WERE to be a fireman, only has to be clever because three minutes later he's singing a song about what he thinks it might feel like if he were a highway patrolman. The soldier in the field has to be RIGHT. Sean Penn PRETENDING he's a soldier not only doesn't have to be right, but the second there's something actually dangerous he goes to his trailer to smoke dope with his groupies and they call in the stuntman (who is overwhelmingly likely to be a conservative.)


ricpic said...

"They [liberals] don't do anything. And when you don't do anything what can go wrong?"

Liberals pass laws. The passage of the 1964 Immigration Act has - to use a favorite term of liberal academics - deconstructed America. That's not doing anything?

Or is Sayet being tongue-in-cheek?

Chip Ahoy said...

This does not resonate with me for two reasons.

The liberals I know, and I know basically only liberals, all do have professions that do things. The full range of professions that we rely on.

And secondly, the charges lodged against liberals here taking jobs that do no do anything are held by Republicans and Independents too.

The entire -- comic is it? -- diatribe is patently false.

Disclosure: I actually couldn't watch the whole thing for being put off. It's not amusing. If this is what counts for conservative comedy then conservative comedy has a very long way to go.

Chip S. said...

It depends on the meaning of "do".

This may be what Sayet had in mind.

Fr Martin Fox said...

I thought it was funny, and true in this sense:

Liberals tend to flock to professions where what they do is less concrete, or less immediately rooted in day-to-day life, or rather attenuated from hard measures of performance or value.

In that sense, they "don't do anything."

It's a funnier version of Michael Barone's point about "soft" and "hard" segments in our society (

The story about actors v. stuntmen is hilariously true; actors can emote fantastically about a world in which harsh realities are somehow suspended; stunt people know better.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Looks like there's no such thing as a liberal assembly line robot.

Good to know.

Evan Sayet said...

Of course that's what I meant. Liberals tend to DOMINATE -- so, yes, of course, there are non-Leftists in these industries, too -- the industries where RHETORIC is the entirety of their production. The entertainment industry is OBVIOUSLY dominated by Liberals as is journalism. What do these people DO for a living? They TALK. And when all you do is talk you don't have to be right, you only have to be clever. The fireman has to be RIGHT because if he's wrong he gets injured. Bruce Springsteen singing a song about what he thinks it might feel like if he WERE to be a fireman, only has to be clever because three minutes later he's singing a song about what he thinks it might feel like if he were a highway patrolman. The soldier in the field has to be RIGHT. Sean Penn PRETENDING he's a soldier not only doesn't have to be right, but the second there's something actually dangerous he goes to his trailer to smoke dope with his groupies and they call in the stuntman (who is overwhelmingly likely to be a conservative.)

Chip S. said...

This is like having Marshall McLuhan appear out of nowhere in a theater lobby!

My most telling anecdote about this topic involves the time I showed up at a golf course next door to a film studio in Manhattan Beach and joined two other guys for the round. They looked like middle-aged surfer dudes.

After a couple of holes they asked me what I thought of Obama. I kind of hedged, not wanting to get in an argument w/ a couple of liberal layabouts. But once I offered the least bit of criticism, they started really tearing into him. We had a great rest of the round.

It turned out that they were stunt men--one of the few occupations in Hollywood where rhetoric means jack shit, and the feedback from fucking up is immediate and intense.

ndspinelli said...

Mr. Sayet, This clip and your book was lined by a commenter on the Turley blog. It's on my next kindle purchase list. WTF happened to your former colleague, Bill Maker??

ndspinelli said...

I meant "Maher." I often have "Makers" on my mind.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, Any money bet on that round?

Chip S. said...

Nick, I never bet w. strangers.

Well, one time. That story's tl;ww.