Thursday, July 10, 2014


I was looking for a way to say "automated by machine." The word for machine is the interlocking gear thing. And using the gear thing implies automation. I can say the same thing by snapping my fingers. Snapping fingers can be a lot of things, I use it for "go" for "fast" for anything snappy, like "automatic." But this is what the dictionaries offer for "automatic" and I do see them all. You just have to pick one depending on what your atomization looks like, I suppose. These are all American.

Most other countries offer their version for this word here , the word must be entered for the flags to appear. Variations show something mechanically automated. 

I'm seeing 75% of them reference two handed meshed gears, also  pistons, pulling a cord, Japan uses our word for "hurry," a stamp puncher, whirling gear instead of meshed gears, back and forth thumbs like locomotion bar that connects wheels, and our word for "hard." 

Where does this leave us? Do whatever you want.


The Dude said...

Or leave it in. It's automatic!

deborah said...

Sixty, I never realized you were brilliant till you noted that toast was cut into triangles so you could dip into the yolk.

Chip Ahoy said...

Deborah, are you yanking my chain again? What in the world does this have to do with having my mind a gutter? Non sequitur much?

deborah said...

Sorry, Chip, I will delete the offending post.

The Dude said...


Some gestures are more suggestive than others, just sayin'.

Chip A - did you ever have anyone in Japan gesture "come over here" - hand in front of the body, palm down, fingers like they are digging in the rice bowl. The American gesture - palm up, curling the index finger back towards the gesturer - very different meaning over in Japan.

It's a good thing I had read up about that - otherwise I would still be standing in a semiconductor plant in a Tokyo suburb trying to figure out what that guy was on about.

And forget the "A-OK!" gesture in Brazil - well, forget Brazil, while you are at it.

Chip Ahoy said...

Sixty, no, I never saw that. But I did see a lot of "asshole," imagine that, in ASL an "F" but facing inward rather than outward, like you're showing a hole. And it can be presented quite rudely.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Google books Ngram viewer shows two precipitous climbs in the use of the word.

Can I use the word precipitous to denote a climb?

Anyway, both climbs in popularity appear to coincide with World Wars with a subsequent sorry drop off, very neatly.

The 'sorry' part... the regret part is as if automatic.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

In cinematography there is a short hand, or, should I say it seems to me to be a short hand, for 'automatic'.
The film is sped up to the point where the transmission of emotion is not possible.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Howabout that?

You could argue that the small rise in the late 70s and early 80's was the result... again... of talk and subsequent military build up, if not actual hot war, into the search for more efficient methods of killing.

I wonder if Ngram covers the books, literature of our adversary, the real bear, the soviet union.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I say the real bear, because the white house has started a #hashtag campaign called #TheBearIsLoose with photo Ops to go with... but the timing of it appears to be politically suicidal... In other words, even democrats are saying out loud, what the hell is Obama thinking?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The #BearIsLoose campaing, sorry I'm derailing the tread, appears to be an attempt at shedding his mom-jeans image.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Talk about automatic.

KCFleming said...

Automatic for the People was a pretty good album.

KCFleming said...

Was the food at Automats any good?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I follow a twitter handle called @DidCarpGetaHit... Carp is a ed Sox utility bench player who rarely gets a hit.

Carp is the definition of the automatic out. iow.

Twitting if Carp got a hit or not is my idea of humor. There is also the fishing correlation. It never gets old. It's automatic.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Never even knew about those.

Wikipedia says they still exist in the Netherlands and Spain.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I just sent out what I consider a great tweet... an automatic. Except they are not. or better stated, what I think are automatics turn out duds most of the time.

Chip Ahoy said...

How would you know a dud from a non dud? By responses to them?

I don't even look at Twitter responses. I figure it's somebody contradicting me in some absurd 140 character or less Twittery way. When twitter updates by mail, I go, "Oh that crap," and they all go straight to the trash, I have no interest in responses. I'm actually surprised to see the number of people following me on Twitter rise when I'm imagining them considering me unbearable and pissing me right off. Same with comments on other sites that update a thread and report responses by email. I unsubscribed to three today. I don't care what people say in response. I shoot my wad and that's it. I just want it out there so readers will see that not everyone agrees with the mob.

It's a function of growing older. I used to care, deeply, about engaging and now I just flatly don't.

Especially on British sites. I'm sick of or their sanctimonious exaltation of socialism and materialism, wankers, and I tell them so. I expect they put me on ignore. I'm not trolling, I'm just sick of them assuming everyone agrees with their common knowledge, their catechism. They're always on about guns, Americans and guns, having given away their own freedom and imagining the whole world an extension of London and not seeing any way of life beyond their own nose, they do come off exceedingly cuntishly, misplacing all their faith in honest government and honest media while simultaneously complaining bitterly about both, and while experiencing outright corruption in both.

They're having a serious problem with nonces within the BBC, kiddy fiddler presenters being prosecuted right and left. It is a very long list and each week brings a new big name taken down, people they grew up with, yet they still hang on every word and accept BBC's leftist political point of view that permeates everything.

Yesterday someone was banging on about how ridiculous religion is. They put up videos of the most ridiculous American Christian things, some religiously-minded person but weak-minded person, and have those ridiculous things stand for all faithful, and cluck cluck cluck about putting their faith in maths and science instead. And I'm all, "Well, look at you."

Dazzled by science, blinded by the sun you cannot see the stars, nothing can exist beyond what you cannot wrap your mind around. There is no source possible beyond what your puny mind can grasp. Top of the heap, you are. The tippy top of all that is, was, and can be. Good for you. Your faith in yourself and the deeds of your kind is poorly placed. You honor the ugly. Your whole life, your entire existence is the shadow of ultimate spiritual truth, beauty, and goodness, and shadow is all you can ever know in this physical material world, and yet here you are holding that puniness in highest regard as all there can be. My, oh my, aren't you grand, and people of faith more humble than yourself who also study maths and science and see no conflict with religion that teaches the value of those things, that is, what to do with all that, but you dismiss outright as so much ridiculous superstition.

tl:dr, You're not all that, you only think that you are.

Winning friends all over the internet, that's me.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

A lot of kids signal "More" by putting their fingers together horizontally. It is sort of cute when they can't speak yet and do that.

ampersand said...

I once saw a deaf mute ,halfway out the ladies room door , frantically signing to her husband. I think she was saying they were out of toilet paper and she had shit on her fingers.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

In just about every culture along the Pacific Rim, if you take your index finger and do the whirly thing around your ear to say that someone is crazy in the head, to them it means you'd like directions to the nearest karaoke bar because you desperately need to sing "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones.