Friday, May 2, 2014

The Origin of the Phrase “As Dead as a Doornail”

"In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens wrote about the questionable phrase, “dead as a doornail,” saying:
Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail. 
Mind! I don’t mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country’s done for. You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that Marley was as dead as a door-nail.
"As with so many etymologies, we don’t know exactly why door nails were used in the phrase rather than something like coffin nails, but we have a reasonably good educated guess. Door nails were long used to strengthen the door. The person building or installing the door would hammer the nail all the way through the boards. On the other side, he would hammer the end flat, bending it so that the nail would be more secure in a process, called “clenching.” In doing so, the nail was rendered unusable for any other purpose. It would be difficult to remove and even more difficult to use again elsewhere. Thus, the bent nail was commonly called “dead” (not just to do with doors, but elsewhere where the nail was bent over and couldn’t be used again.)"

"As to why it is then a “doornail” instead of other cases where such clenching was done, it’s thought it was probably simply because this was commonly done with nails on doors and the euphony of the phrase caused it to stick, where other similar expressions such as “dead as a stone” simply don’t roll off the tongue as nicely."

Another less touted origin theory (read more)


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Seeing Marley's face in the knocker's a nice touch.

Stuff like that's a metaphor for what really goes on in your head. Being haunted and all that.

That's pretty much the way I see parts of the bible, as well.

Nifty metaphors, that is.

bagoh20 said...

You know what's dead as a doornail. This workweek.

It's Friday!!! Woohoooooooo!

My previous employer used to get irritated when people would say "T.G.I.F." He felt it encouraged people to slack off on Friday.

After I bought out the company, I immediately started celebrating Fridays with food and drinks for everyone, and music, and lots of "It's Friday!" all around.

In addition to the now traditional "Friday Song", there are these additions to the Friday playlist:

Bang the Drum

Yabba dabba Do!

AllenS said...

In the factory setting where I worked, Friday was bring something to eat day. One Friday on the afternoon shift, I brought in 50 White Castle hamburgers.

bagoh20 said...

I have never had a White Castle burger. I know I'd like them. They come with free weed like a Happy Meal, right?

Chip Ahoy said...

White Castle burgers are sliders.

A dozen = 1 normal burger

↑ possible exaggeration to 600%.

They take a meatball and smash it directly on the grill using a sturdy spatula, flatter than a pancake, so it cooks in seconds.

Know what else is deader than a doornail? Doornails, that's what. Now we use liquid nails and screws, but mostly glue.

Merkel is lecturing on intelligence needed to combat terror. No poo, Sherlock, our problem with intelligence is in this country most spying is on ourselves and not on terrorist as intended.

And Obama is lecturing as if we are all idiots. Lord, that man is impossible to listen to, and I tried, I tried, I tried.

I'm still trying.

And the hand motions speak a contrary language completely. My impulse is rip his hands off and smack his face with them and toss them aside. Neville Chamberlain all the hell over again.

European asks about botched execution. Somebody need to speak for the victim. And he almost does!

Pablum. Bromides. And I don't even know what those things are, but they sound soothing and boring. Probably Alka Seltzer except without effervescence. Maybe Pepto Bismal except not atrociously pink.

bagoh20 said...

Yep, there must weed in there. It is Colorado.

The Dude said...

Clenching? Really? Did you mean clinching?

AllenS said...

Chip, the hamburgers (sliders) go on the grill frozen. They are square with 5 holes in them. They are pre-made at the White Castle Food Factory. I can't remember when they add the shredded onions, before or after being flipped. The buns go on the grill and are covered. That's why they are so soft. A small slice of pickle is added at the end.

I can't remember what they cost when I was young, poor and first starting out, but they were very cheap.

There's one now in Oak Park Heights, MN. Suburbia. They used to be only located in the inner city. Sometime in the 1980s you could buy a box of them frozen in some supermarkets.

I love me some sliders, but I think you have bad breath after you eat them.

AllenS said...

Can you believe it? I found a youtube video of them being made! Notice the five holes.
