Sunday, October 27, 2013

Though they have not been officially linked... seems reasonable that problems with the website are another impetus to delay penalty enforcement so every citizen can get enrolled and avoid paying fees. If this isn't one of the motivations it is at least a convenient byproduct of the deadline modifications.

Lily Hay Newman serves room temperature pablum to Gizmodo readers. The shallowest description of the state of affairs that I've seen to date. This, on the most important development bearing on the subject of their magazine, their reason for being. In importance bearing on their readers, this beats a new Apple rollout by a magnitude of order and yet this is the surface reading assembled  from USA Today, The Verge, and Market Watch.

One expects more. I'm disappointed in Gizmodo. What else is as shallow? 

Commenters write the article that needed to be written, so the subject is covered.  All except one. One commenter over there is still  stuck in the trees, too thick to step out of partisan fog. I picture a copse shrouded in fog, the sounds coming from it, "bonk" someone hitting a tree. 

1 comment:

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I glanced quickly. I think I saw the commenter in question. Sigh. If only single payer. If only the greedy insurance companies would all go away... So many on the left have no clue how the real world works.

In any case, it was a gorgeous day here. I rode my bike up to Chautauqua park and then did a hike. cold front moves in tomorrow. Some of the trails were open, but parts of mesa trail still closed due to the flood damage. Awesome to see what used to be a tiny seasonal stream bed torn into piles of rocks and stumps.. 15 yards up each side of the bank.