Friday, October 25, 2013

Ohio governor does end-run

"Ohio Governor John Kasich’s plan to expand Medicaid under President Barack Obama’s health-care overhaul, approved two days ago by a state legislative panel, was challenged in a lawsuit brought by a group of Ohio lawmakers.
Six Republican state representatives, joined by anti-abortion organizations based in Cleveland and Cincinnati, filed the complaint challenging the panel’s action yesterday at the state’s Supreme Court in Columbus.
The plaintiffs asked Ohio’s top court to void the Ohio Controlling Board action, arguing it exceeds that body’s lawful authority. Kasich, a first-term Republican, sought approval from the board after he was unable to persuade his party members who control the state legislature to agree to the plan.
“The governor is not king,” Maurice A. Thompson, the lead lawyer on the case, said in a telephone interview yesterday. The purpose of the lawsuit he said, is to “protect Ohio’s checks and balances.”
...“Why is that some people don’t get it?” Kasich asked during an Oct. 18 event at the Cleveland Clinic promoting the expansion. “Is it because they’re hard-hearted or cold-hearted? It’s probably because they don’t understand the problem because they have never walked in somebody’s shoes.”"
Okay, this is big. This is about the rule of law and states' rights, and will be an interesting case to follow.


Chip Ahoy said...

Is it because they’re hard-hearted or cold-hearted?

I see a lot of this. In this model there are two hearts. To talk to this individual you must first fix that.

chickelit said...

The heart has many adjectives:



what am I missing?

chickelit said...


Calypso Facto said...

I didn't know much about the Ohio situation, but having read up on it some today, it does seem like an illegal (or at least unwise) usurpation of power. One article I read said: "For now, the bigger question of whether governors should be able to bypass their legislatures to achieve a popular and broadly supported initiative is on the back burner." Extremists from both sides are so quick to ditch the government checks and balances of a wiser generation when it suits their fancy. Paving the road to despotism with good intentions.

Chick: Corazon espinado

Calypso Facto said...

Brave (as seen in the movies!)
Lonely (as in Sgt Pepper's)
Dear (semi-archaic? Also a movie tho)

Leland said...

So is Kasich arguing that it is cold-hearted to oppose autocratic rule?

Calypso Facto said...

Crazy (Jeff Bridges)

chickelit said...

Where is edutcher when you need him?

test said...

Chip Ahoy said...
Is it because they’re hard-hearted or cold-hearted?

I'm always shocked when a conservative reverses course and slimes others with the emotional propaganda and childishness of the left. Was he only an opportunistic conservative devoid of principles his entire career?

He deserves to be shunned.

Icepick said...

My heart, still beating, is neither hard nor cold. It is also unfeeling and unthinking, being a muscle. Science, bitch!

Methadras said...

Calypso Facto said...

I didn't know much about the Ohio situation, but having read up on it some today, it does seem like an illegal (or at least unwise) usurpation of power. One article I read said: "For now, the bigger question of whether governors should be able to bypass their legislatures to achieve a popular and broadly supported initiative is on the back burner." Extremists from both sides are so quick to ditch the government checks and balances of a wiser generation when it suits their fancy. Paving the road to despotism with good intentions.

Chick: Corazon espinado

Politico's are going to set up these boards and commissions, give them political and legal powers and turn them into quasi-psuedo legislative bodies that become rubber stamps for your 'legislation'. They aren't accountable to the people, they aren't accountable to any legislative body, but instead are a 2nd tier legislative body that a mayor or a governor can turn to. I'm a little surprised that Kacich is pulling this stunt. If any of you want an example of these politically appointed non-elected bodies, then look at Public Utilities Commissions.

edutcher said...

Kasich has been a real disappointment on this.

I have to wonder if all that NSA surveillance has something to do with it.

El Pollo Raylan said...

Where is edutcher when you need him?

In the immortal words of Douglas MacArthur, "I'm just a little late".

deborah said...

Meth @ 10:29. It's the oligarchical over-class taking over. The fruits of neoliberalism.

Gang, I wish Hard-hearted Hannah, the Vamp of Savannah by Jauanita Hall was on you tube. Great rendition.

deborah said...

Meth @ 10:29. It's the oligarchical over-class taking over. The fruits of neoliberalism.

Gang, I wish Hard-hearted Hannah, the Vamp of Savannah by Jauanita Hall was on you tube. Great rendition.

Fr Martin Fox said...

As an Ohioan, I'm appalled by this action by the governor, particularly by his decision to wrap himself in the cloak of caring for the poor.

So, Governor, if you misappropriated vast sums intended, say, for roads, or for colleges, or for schools--or any other legitimate project of the state--and used them in some fashion for the poor...

Would you accuse those who object to the illegal behavior of being cold-hearted toward the poor?

Really, Governor? Any defiance of the law is OK if it's "for the poor"?

The issue is whether the Controlling Board has the authority to do what he got them to do. If so, then he's OK. If not, then the fact that it's "for the poor" is a red herring.

But this is the poor quality of reasoning that goes unchallenged of late. Everywhere.

Too many people--whether it's Kasich and his Medicaid expansion, or it's advocates of redefining marriage--are all to happy to have law and constitutional values shredded...

As long as they get what they want.

deborah said...

Father Fox, I can't wait to see what the court says. I will be looking for some particulars on what the exact legal questions are. If these people are immediately put on Medicare, it will look bad to pull them off afterwards.