Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dad shaves beard

And his girl does not recognize him. It's adorable. He plays with her then goes to the bathroom and closes the door. She follows by wiggling like a fish across the floor to the door and taps, and climbs up. It's edited to appear as if he shaved in seconds.

I found the comments there interesting.

We had a photograph of my Dad on top of the television, Mum said later,  so we wouldn't forget what he looks like, and I do recall that photograph being there. Apparently he's a total stud too, my gay friends saw the photograph, held it up and said, "Oh shit."  I also recall him retuning each time, and each time in uniform too, and me thinking, "Eh, here's that guy again."

I was doing fine without him around anyhow. Sorry, that was somebody else, not me. I get confused. And now he's going to what, boss me around twice as hard to make up for lost time? Dr. Sigmund, how do these male dominance issues I describe my father having make you feel?


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm reminded of a scene in Yankee Doodle Dandy where some star-struck chick goes backstage to meet James Cagney who she thinks is a kindly old man.

He starts taking off his stage makeup and beard in front of her and she freaks out.

Later on he gets to bang the crap out of her.

I guess the greatest generation thought thought that kind of stuff was cute because they got married first.

ricpic said...

That child is scarred for life!!!