Monday, August 26, 2013

Will Smith family

A family photograph. A reaction photograph.


They're watching Lady Gaga

What was Lady Gaga doing? I do not know. VMA performance. Where you'd expect her to do something from her new video, if you expected anything from Lady Gaga. 

So they're seeing some references to Madonna, reference to theatrical history, reference to greek mythology, reference to an historic film that she liked, reference to herself, in exaggerated form. 

But I don't expect anything. 

Besides, this is the internet, other people are saying they're watching Miley Cyrus. 


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It'd be tough to do the daughter missionary without thinking of her dad.

ricpic said...

Why couldn't the Will Smith family play touch-tag with the Barack Obama family and the two families occupy the White House turn and turnabout for the rest of the 2nd abomination? Who'd notice? In the words of her immortalness, "What difference would it make?"

Amartel said...

React to a reaction shot!
Do it now!! React!
Even though we don't know what the people in the shot are reacting to.
Just assume.

Methadras said...

You know what's funny. Jayden Smith looks the same in every photo of him.